Ghazun Khan ascended the throne at Tubreez, the capital of Azurbijan, on the last day of Zi Huj 694 Hejri, he being then twenty-five years of age. As he was a Mussulman on his accession, he immediately ordered the conversion of all the tribes of Moghools to that faith, and by his command the Moghools of Iran were all converted; the people of Islam also reposed the greatest confidence in him. In his reign a new era, called the Khani, was commenced by the dewans of Persia, from the year 701 Hejri, and by which they make up their accounts; the impression of his coinage from that date also contained the Mahummudan profession of faith, and the names of the Rashidi Khalifs, who, during the government of the Abasside Caliphs, were included in the Khotba, after the two professions of faith; these were restored, and read according to the precedence of the Khilafut, and every precaution was taken to confirm and extend the true faith.
After Ghazan was firmly established in his kingdom, he despatched Meer Togachar to Room, or Asia Minor, and Ameer Nowroze, who was the chief support of his throne, was sent to Khorasan, to oppose the invasion of certain Moghools, the relations of Ghazan, who had crossed the Amoyeh. After completing this service by repelling the Moghools, he returned, and was again despatched to the government of Khorasan. At that time the Princes Sookai and Arslan rebelled against Sultan Mahmood Ghazan, who himself proceeded to oppose them, and after a conflict with them took Arslan prisoner and put him to death; but as Ghazan Khan entertained suspicions that this rebellion had been fomented by the artifices of Ameer Togachar, after defeating these princes he despatched Ameer Jirmchee to take possession of the government of Room, and wrote an order to the ameers of that country to put Togachar to death. Some time after this order, the ameers who were in the country of Room also rebelled. The Sultan, therefore, despatched Ameer Kutluk Shah to Room, with a large force, in the year 696 Hejri, or Kowi eel Toorki, to reduce them to obedience; and in the same year, after the execution of Khwajeh Shums-ud-deen Dustjurdi, the vuzarut was transferred again to Khwajeh Suddur-uddeen Ahmud Khalidi Zunjani, who was entitled Suddur i Jehan. Khwajeh Ahmud Khalidi abolished the new custom of Kuchoor,* which had obtained prevalence in Iran, and established the Tumgha; and as this vuzeer was jealous of the uncontrolled authority of Meer Nowroze and his brother, by which none was left to himself, he, in concert with some of the ameers of Ghazan’s court, accused the latter of maintaining a secret friendly understanding, or correspondence, with Mullik Nasir-ud-deen, the king of Egypt, to the prejudice of Sultan Ghazan; and having impressed the sultan with a belief to this effect, and that he was about to flee to Iran, the brother of Nowroze was seized and placed in confinement (purgho),* but the facts not being established, the vuzeer, who was much incommoded by the authority of Meer Nowroze, forged a letter, as from Meer Nowroze to his brother, exciting him to take revenge on Sultan Ghazan, and hid it in a handful of buzughturgheh,* which he desired should be beaten, or shaken, and where it being found, his brother was put to death, with his family and servants, on the road near Baghdad, in the year 696, Sultan Ghazan Khan not making any enquiry into the truth of these accusations. At the same time the sultan despatched an army from the Yelak of Hamudan, under Meer Kutluk Shah, Meer Sobtai Noween, and Sirkidak, to Khorasan, with orders to put Meer Nowroze to death, and not to return until they had executed his orders. When Meer Nowroze heard this, knowing himself unable to oppose these ameers in the field, he retired, and sought protection with his friend and son-in-law, Mullik Fukhr-ud-deen (the son of Mullik Shums-ud-deen Keheen, the son of Shums-ud-deen Koort); and the Mullik made an agreement with him not to surrender him as long as he lived. When, however, Ameer Kutluk Shah and his companions arrived at Herat, this perfidious Mullik, abandoning his engagement, treacherously seized and confined Meer Nowroze, and at length delivered him up to Ameer Kutluk Shah, who put him to death in the suburbs of Herat on the 22d Showal of the same year, and his head was sent to Sultan Ghazan. In the year 697 Hejri, Ghazan Khan despatched his brother Ooljaitoo, the son of Arghoon, to assume the government of Khorasan. It is related, that Ooljaitoo Khan was born on the 12th Zi Huj 680 Hejri, on the Desert between Merv and Surkhush, where there was no water to be found, and where the people, therefore, were dying of thirst; and that on his birth the rain fell for seven days and seven nights, and for that reason he was called Ooljaitoo, which signifies prosperous, and the bringer of good tidings. After he was converted to Islam he was called Khodabundeh Ooghul, and was afterwards called Sultan Mahummud Khodabundeh. Prince Ooljaitoo, on his arrival in Khorasan, made war on Mullik Fukhr-ud-deen, the son of Mullik Shums-ud-deen Keheen, &c., and several battles were fought between them; at last, however, a peace was effected by the mediation of the Shaikh ul Islam Shahab-ud-din Ismael Jami.
In the year 699, Khwajeh Suddur-ud-deen Ahmud Khalidi Zunjani was seized for malversation in his office, and put to death, and Sultan Ghazan appointed Khwajeh Rusheed-ud-din, the physician, and Khwajeh Saud-ud-deen, his vuzeers.