Alum Khan, a relative of the late King, residing at Ahmud-
ON the death of Ghizny Khan, there being no
other male relations living in Kandeish, the nobles
sent a deputation to Ahmud Nizam Shah, requesting
him to permit the Prince Alum Khan, a descendant
of the Farooky family, then residing at
Ahmudnuggur, to assume charge of Kandeish.
At a council held by Nizam Shah Bheiry and
Imad-ool-Moolk, King of Berar, those princes resolved
to acknowledge Alum Khan
heir to the
vacant throne of Kandeish; but Mullik Larun, an
officer of the latter government, who had command
of the fort of Aseer, refused to acknowledge the
new king. At the same time, Adil, the son of
Hussun, and grandson of Nuseer Khan, by the
daughter of Mahmood Shah of Guzerat, and who
was then residing at Talnere, wrote a petition to
that monarch, supported by one from his mother,
begging to be placed in the government of his ancestor.
Mahmood Shah, perceiving that the country
of Kandeish was about to be involved in civil war,
resolved to assume a right of interference in favour
of his grandson, Adil Khan. For this purpose
he marched in person to Kandeish, and Hissam-
Mullik Larun received the title of Khan Jehan and the jageer of Ahwas, while Hissam-ood-Deen became ennobled under the title of Shehr-yar Khan, received the town of Danwur as an estate, and was placed in charge of Talnere. Titles and small jageers were also conferred on several other nobles; and Mahmood Shah Begurra returned to Ahmudabad.
When Adil Khan had, by the assistance of his
maternal grandfather, been placed in the government
of Kandeish, he removed his family and property
from Talnere to Boorhanpoor, and Hissam-
Some time afterwards, the King visited the fort
of Aseer, where he found that Sheer Khan and
Seif Khan, two Guzerat officers, had been intriguing
with Nizam Shah Bheiry of Ahmudnug-
A H. 923.
A. D. 1517.
In the year 923, Adil Khan II. accompanied
his father-in-law, Moozuffur
Shah, with a force to Mando, and assisted
greatly in the Malwa campaign; but as the
events of that war are detailed both in the Guzerat
and Malwa histories, I have not thought it
necessary to repeat them in this place.
A. H. 926.
A. D. 1520.
In the year 926, Adil Khan, falling
dangerously ill, died at Boorhanpoor,
after a reign of nineteen years. He
was succeeded by Meeran Mahomed, his eldest
son, by the sister
of Bahadur Shah of Guzerat.