Stability and perpetuity are peculiar to the inscrutable essence of God!— To make migration from this bad world belongs to men, who are the inhahitants of one quarter of it!

In the year 907 (A. D. 1501), Meerza Ulug Beg, the son of Sultan Aboo Suneed Meerza, found the mercy of God in Kabool. His son Meerza Abd-oo-Ruzag became ruler there, and sat on the throne of his father; but on account of the youth of this prince, enmity arose amongst the Ameers, and Shere Ruzm Zukkuh took into his hands all the affairs, large and small. At that time Ameer Yoosoob, and Mahomed Kasim Beg, Ameer Yoonoos Ali, and some other nobles, having left the city, were watching a favourable time. In short, on the day of the Eed-i-Koorban, in the morning, when Shere Ruzm was drinking conjee, these entered Kabool with 300 armed men, and drawing their swords of enmity, they cut the roots of his life.

On this account, much destruction came upon the men of Kabool. Intelligence of this reached Mahomed Mokeem, the younger son of Meer Zoonoon, at Gurmsere, who, in the last day of 907 (A. D. 1501), collect­ing the Huzarahs and the Nukdurees, placed the intention of taking Kabool before his mind, and he went in that direction. Meerza Abd-oo-Ruzag, being unable to fight, fled; and Mahomed Mokeem, taking the country, married the daughter of Meerza Ulug Beg. News of this reached Budeen-ooz-Zuman and Zoonoon, when they were on the banks of Ab Umweeyuh. They were pleased at it, but their anxiety exceeded their joy; and Meer Zoonoon from thence wrote a letter to his son to terrify him, saying: “This business of yours is not good; it is not good, because you have done that which you ought not to have done: now it is necessary that you are not careless of yourself, and do not place the Ameers of Kabool near you.” Then Mahomed Mokeem dismissed from Kabool many of the people who had always been connected with the state, placing near himself his own people; and he ruled Kabool.

After this, at the commencement of 910 (A. D. 1504), Huzrut Zaheer-oos-Sultanut Wulkhitafut Mahomed Babur Badshah, returning from Samarkand, took the road to Kabool, and passing very quickly over the intervening space, he shed honour around this city, fortunate by the sacredness of his “blessed feet.” Mahomed Mokeem, not having strength to go out to fight the army of Mahomed Babur Badshah, sat down in the fort. After Kabool had been surrounded some time, the men of Ooloos and Eemag were inclined to make their Salaam to the victorious Babur, and the men of the city were also well wishers to the king. Mahomed Mokeem, being unable to remain, wrote to him for quarter, requesting leave to come to him to deliver up the keys of the fort. Huzrut Badshah Mahomed Bahadoor consented to this, and he took oath that when Mokeem opened the gates he would show him such kindness as he might merit.

Then Mahomed Mokeem, being an expectant of the kindness of the king, came forth from Kabool, and found the virtue of kissing the royal carpet; and he made suitable offerings to the king.

Huzrut Babur, agreeably to his promise, showered upon him royal kindness, and then gave him leave to go to his country.