MY excellent and beloved brother, the happy and fortu­nate Khojeh Yadgar, may you enjoy life and prosperity and be happy. After many blessings and boundless affection be it known that it is a long time since I received a letter from you; on which account great expectation and anxiety have arisen. Out of my impatience and uneasiness I have sent a per­son for news of your welfare; and you must write me explicitly an account of your situation, and the cause of your not sending me any letter; that my languid spirits may be revived. Hereafter be not so remiss in sending letters and messages; for the arrival of letters from one another is in reallity a spiritual visit. Having set apart some presents and rarities of this country for my accomplished Brother I shall send them by and by. What can I write more? May the days of your happiness increase under the auspices of the letters <Arabic> & <Arabic>!