Mirzá Muhammad Bákar was a Georgian by birth, having been born at Tiflis. In the war that ensued between Persia and Russia, like so many other Georgians, Mirzá Muhammad Bákar and his brother were taken prisoners, after their father had first killed with his own hands the female members of his family and then was killed himself fighting sword in hand. Soon the two brothers were separated by their captors and Mirzá Muhammad Bákar was brought to Shiráz where he got some education. About the same time some of the envoys of Mir Murád Alí Khán, coming to Persia, they manoged to get his possession and brought him to Sind when he was about 15 years old. He was greatly consoled to see his countryman Mirzá Khusró Beg already in Sind, particularly when the latter assured him that he was the brother he had lost (or like him), and for whom he was still sorrowing. He soon rose under the patronage of Mir Murád Ali Khán to be a favourite courtier. He died on 28th Shawwál 1273 A.H. (1856 A.D.) at the age of 55. He left five sons, Mirza Band Alí Beg, Mirza Muhib Alí Beg, Mirza Nawáz Alí Beg, Mirzá Sher Alí Beg and Mirza Lutíf Alí Beg. The eldest, Mirza Band Ali Beg, died in 1869 at the age of 48.*