Gunjatoo Khan during the life-time of Arghoon Khan, resided in the country of Room, or Asia Minor; as soon, however, as he heard of his death, being invited also by his chiefs, he proceeded to the camp of Arghoon, where he arrived in the month of Rujub 690 Hejri. On his arrival, some of the ameers joined Alinak, and others willingly, and some unwillingly, admitted and recognized his authority: Gunjatoo Khan about that period, being informed that some disturbances had arisen in Room, despatched a large army under Mango Timoor, the son of Lukaie Noyaun, one of his chief ameers, towards Persia, and returned himself to quell a rebellion in Room, where he remained during the winter; and having accomplished his object, returned to Tubreez in the month of Jemadi-ilakhir 691 Hejri.
He now commenced to arrange for the establishment of his authority, and appointed Kyoorka his ameer-ul-omra, and confided the vuzarut to Suddur-ud-deen Khalid Zunjani. About the time of the death of Arghoon, a certain Atabuk Afrasiab, had raised a rebellion in Looristan, and had taken possession of Isfahan; Ameer Mango Timoor, the son of Lukaie Noyaun, who had marched from Tubreez to Persia with a large army by the command of Gunjatoo Khan, when he departed to Room, entered Persia, and expelled this rebel from Isfahan, of which he in turn took possession. Gunjatoo Khan was a very liberal prince, so much so that the revenue of his kingdom could scarcely supply his expenses, he was also addicted to all kinds of the vilest debauchery. In the year 693 Hejri, the use of jad, or stamped paper, was introduced into Persia, but subsequently abolished. It is related in the histories of those times, that stamped paper to serve as current money was introduced in commercial transactions into Persia, by the advice of Az-ud-deen Muzzuffur; these notes which were called jad in Persia, were long slips of paper stamped on both sides with the arms or seal of the prince, and on both sides also, the profession of faith or the names of two witnesses, and between these the words in the Khutaie language and character, “Nokta aburnucheen noor Cheen,” the name of the Kaan of Khutaie, and called by the Moghools the king of kings; by the introduction of these jad or bank-notes, however, the resort of merchants to Persia was interrupted or abandoned, and the sale and purchase of all merchandize entirely stopped. The ameers therefore assembled and represented these circumstances to Gunjatoo Khan, and he ordered his stamped-paper regulations to be abolished.*
It is said that Gunjatoo Khan was much addicted to wine and women, and that he sometimes seduced the daughters of his chiefs, and for that reason Ameer Togachar, Ameer Toladai, and others, being discontented at his irregularities, agreed to raise to the throne Baidoo, the son of Turaghai, who was the governor of Baghdad. Baidoo accordingly rebelled, and the ameers of Gunjatoo, who were in that part of the country, and who were also offended at Gunjatoo’s conduct, all joined him. When prince Baidoo became powerful by the accession of the ameers, he put the chief of Baghdad, Mahummud Shukurchee, to death, and made preparations openly to depose Gunjatoo Khan. Gunjatoo, however, soon became aware of this defection, and seized Ameer Kuchookmal, Ameer Toladai, and others, whom he knew to be inimical to him, and confined them in the fort of Tubreez. After this became known, Ameer Togachar secretly despatched a messenger to Baghdad, to invite Baidoo, without loss of time, to the camp of Gunjatoo Khan, to depose him, and promised to arrange all parties in his favour when he arrived. Baidoo, therefore, marched from Baghdad with a large army towards Azurbijan, and Gunjatoo also prepared to oppose him. Gunjatoo Khan first despatched Ameer Akyooka and Ameer Togachar with a body of troops in advance; and on the 10th Jemadi-il-Avul 694 Hejri, he himself marched to meet his enemy. In the mean time, however, the ameers who were imprisoned in the castle of Tubreez, were released by the friends of Baidoo, and escaped to Persia.
During this time also the two ameers despatched in advance by Gunjatoo Khan quarrelled, and Ameer Akyooka was obliged to quit the advanced force, and return alone: he rejoined Gunjatoo Khan at the village of Tamar Khatoon, near Tubreez. He there disclosed the melancholy state of Gunjatoo Khan’s affairs, apprizing him of the defection of Togachar and his force, and of the rapid advance of Baidoo with an immense army. Gunjatoo Khan, alarmed and dispirited at this general treachery and defection, immediately marched towards Persia, and on his arrival at the castle of Chowghan, the ameers, who had escaped from prison, to Persia, in in concert with others, who resided there, fell upon him unexpectedly, and having made him prisoner, put him to death. This occurred in the year 694 Hejri. In justice to this prince, it may be stated in his favour, that he was the most generous of all the descendants of Hulako Khan, and that during his reign he never caused the execution of an innocent man, or permitted the punishment of the guilty, otherwise than was prescribed by the law. In the history called the Ulusi Arba, or of the Four Tribes, it is related that Gunjatoo was originally called Unkatoo, which, in the Moghul language, signifies astonishing or wonderful. And it is said that Gunjatoo Khan had reigned three years and seven months, when on Wednesday the 6th of Jemadi-il-Avul, 694 Hejri, he was put to death. He was buried by the orders of Baidoo Khan, at Karabaugh.