Some have said that Khâled Bin Senân was one of the children of the prophet Esma’il. He was sent during the period of the Fettrat, i.e., the time intervening between the ascension of I’sa—t. w. s.—and the mission of Muhammad —u. w. b., etc. He said to his people: ‘An angel, who is the treasurer of the Almighty, comes to visit me, and converses with me about paradise and hell, about the resurrection, the balance [in which good and bad acts are weighed], and about all matters concerning the next world.’ At that time a fire issued during nights from rocky places in the country of Ghais, so that the Arabs were able to graze their camels by the brightness of that fire as far as a three days’ journey from it. When Khâled mentioned his interview with the angel to those Arabs, they said: ‘If thy pretensions be true, extinguish the fire.’ Accordingly he proceeded to the locality and put out the fire with his staff. After that he said to the people: ‘I am departing to the next world. Three days after my death an onager will make his appearance on my tomb, and will bray thrice. You must kill him, open his abdomen, and strike it against my grave, whereon I shall come forth from it, to give you information concerning this world and the next.’ After the expiration of three nights, an onager actually made his appearance at the grave and brayed thrice; but when the people were about to execute the injunction, the relatives of Khâled hindered them, saying: ‘Perhaps he might not come forth from the grave, which would become an occasion of shame and blame to us.’ In the Ma’arif Hassibi it is recorded that the daughter of Khâled came in her old age to the prophet— u. w. b., etc.—and that his lordship spread out his Redâ,* on which he made her sit down, and said: ‘Welcome, daughter of the Beni Dhia’h.’ When she heard the Surah of the ‘Declaration of the unity of God’* from his lordship, she said: ‘My father was in the habit of reciting this Surah.’