The Sultán, while yet young, had acquired a habit of bearing whatever might come; and, though consequently grieved, had no power of doing otherwise. Daryá Khán one day invited him, along with Sayyid Mubárak Bokhárí, to an entertainment, where the dancing and singing had induced him to remain all night a spectator. About the latter part of the night, the minister, rising up, retired with one of the dancing girls, and left the Sultán quite alone; at this very improper treatment, the latter manifested his indignation; but, restraining his passion, whispered to the Sayyid, “Do you behold the impudence of this slave, who leaves me alone, and, in getting up, forgets the usual respect that should be paid me?” The Sayyid told him that it was now necessary to bear and wait patiently, to see what might turn up.
Álam Khán Lódí, then living on his estate at Dhandukáh, and who had a grudge against Daryá Khán, hearing what had happened, sent privately to the Sultán, saying, “that if he chose to favour him, and would give the orders for the removal of Daryá Khán, such would be accomplished.” This measure being finally resolved on and agreed to between the parties, through the mediation of a bird-catcher named Charúnjí, the Sultán one night secretly took flight, and went over to Álam Khán Lódí. He was accompanied, on this occasion, by twenty-two horsemen, who had escorted some draught carriages sent by the latter. One day had elapsed before Daryá Khán became acquainted with the Sultán's flight, and was now at a loss how to proceed. As he was in possession of the treasure, he elevated to the throne a grandson of Sultán Ahmad II.; and, having entitled him Sultán Muzaffir, caused the currency to be struck, and the oration at the mosque to be pronounced in his name. After having, moreover, collected fifty thousand cavalry, he came out to oppose Álam Khán Lódí and the Sultán, who, in a severe battle fought soon after, sustained a defeat.
Daryá Khán, thus victorious, left the Sultán to himself, and went to Dholka. The latter, notwithstanding their defeat, collected another army, by people flocking to their standard from every quarter, and from among the numerous deserters of Daryá Khán's army. The other, not thinking it advisable he should remain at Dholka, marched to Ahmadábád. On arriving there, the people refused him admittance; but, entering the city by force, he endeavoured to conciliate the soldiers and the people. Notwithstanding this, his men deserted and went over to the opposite party. Daryá Khán, who was now suspicious that the townspeople would seize and deliver him up to his sovereign, sent his family and effects to the fort of Chámpánír; whilst he himself went to Mubárak Sháh at Burhánpúr. These events happened in the year of the Hijra 950, A.D. 1543.
Mohammed Sháh II., after entering Ahmadábád, went to Chámpánír; and, having captured that fort, obtained possession of Daryá Khán's women and treasures. The Sultán, now invested with absolute dominion, conferred the office of prime-minister on Burhánu-l-Mulk Babí, and made Álam Khán Lódí commander-in-chief. His affairs had thus continued prosperous for six months; when, at the intercession of Álam Khán Lódí, Imádu-l-Mulk was called to court, and Charúnjí, through his representation, obtained the title of Muháfiz Khán. The latter was made a companion of by the Sultán; and, though naturally a mean wretch, became his adviser, frequently declaring that he was a friend and well-wisher of his sovereign.
Imádu-l-Mulk, who had in the mean time arrived from Mandú, paid his respects to the Sultán; and, after obtaining the sirkar of Bhroch, with the port of Súrat as his jágír, received permission to go there and take possession. At this time, Muháfiz Khán, when the Sultán was one day heated with wine, advised him to dismiss all the old nobles, and promote others. But, to accomplish this object, it was necessary first to remove Alá-ud-dín Lódí, brother of Sikandar Lódí, of Dehli, and who, in the time of Bahádur Sháh, entered the service of Gujarát; and, secondly, Shujáat Khán, who had accompanied him in the war carried on against Daryá Khán. The Sultán, without consulting any of his ministers or nobles in this matter, ordered that these two noblemen should be put to death on the gallows; and they were accordingly executed.
At this time, Sultán Mohammed retired to his private apartment, and ordered that no one should for three days be admitted to see him. On the third day, Álam Khán Lódí told Imádu-l-Mulk, that, as Sultán Alá-ud-dín had now been dead for three days, it would be necessary to tell the Sultán that he must be buried. Imádu-l-Mulk consequently went to the darbár, where Muháfiz Khán, coming from the presence of the Sultán, asked what he wanted, after having received permission to proceed to his jágír. The former replied, he must tell the Sultán that, if it was his pleasure, he would bury Sultán Alá-ud-dín. The wretch Muháfiz Khán, laughing contemptuously, said to him in a familiar manner, “Oh, Malik, these two ungrateful servants have suffered death, and a crowd of others will be made to follow them!” Imádu-l-Mulk, on hearing this speech, was angry; and, going to Álam Khán Lódí, told him what he had heard. At the same time, he advised him that Muháfiz Khán should be put to death, if he himself had a wish to live many days; and that the Sultán should be closely watched. Imádu-l-Mulk immediately after went to his jágír; but Álam Khán, Wajíhu-l-Mulk, and others, who were assembling troops for the purpose of having Muháfiz Khán put to death, resolved that they would not salám to the Sultán till such had been accomplished.