Arghoon Khan ascended the throne in succescession to his uncle on the 7th Jemadi-il-Akhir 683-4, and committed the management of his affairs to Ameer Yoogha. Khwajeh Shums-ud-deen, on the death of Sultan Ahmud, fled to Ispahan, and gave out that he was proceeding to Hindoostan by sea. At this time, however, a letter of invitation and encouragement arrived from Arghoon to him, and by the advice of some of his friends, and relying on the protection of God, he returned to the camp of Arghoon Khan, and in the month of Rujub of the same year he was presented to Arghoon Khan in durbar. Ameer Yoogha, however, who saw his confidence and dreaded his abilities, accused him, before Arghoon Khan, of having poisoned Abukai Khan; and Arghoon, at the suggestion of his enemies, put him to death. One of the poets of that day said, on his death, “On the departure of Shums (the sun) from the heavens it rained blood.” “The moon scarred her sweet face, and Venus tore her hair.”* “Night clothed herself in mourning for him,” and “the morning sighed deeply and tore her veil.”*
It is reported, that when the executioner went to put Shums-ud-deen Mahummud to death, he bathed, and sought an omen in the koran, and that these words presented themselves to him.* “Of a truth, upon those who say, our Lord is God, and are firm in their profession and belief; angels shall descend, that they may not entertain fear, and they shall be blessed with glad tidings of the heavens, which have been promised to you.”
After the death of Shums-ud-deen, the power of Yoogha became exceedingly great, until, for some crimes, which are detailed in other histories, he was put to death. In 686 Hejri, agreeing with Akook eel Toork, Saud-ud-dowlah, who was a jew and a physician, became the companion of Arghoon, and greatly in favour with him; at length he became so powerful that he deprived the other ameers of all authority. In his time the infidel Jews were promoted to high rank, and they insolently reproached and insulted those of the white or pure religion* and Arghoon Khan, at the instigation of that unbeliever, ordered that no Mussulmans should be employed in the duties of the state; they were also prohibited from attending his court. That worthless king and his vile vuzeer, moreover, determined that the Kauba at Mecca, should also become an idol temple, and that the worship of the true God should be superseded by the worship of images of wood and stone. About that period, Ameer Bookai and Ameer Toorktai arrived with a great army from Kupchak to invade Persia, and Arghoon Khan despatched Ameer Togachar and divers of his chiefs to Karabaugh to oppose them. Ameer Choban Suldooz was also sent afterwards with a large force to reinforce them. In the month of Rubbiel Akhir 688 Hejri, Tungooz eel, the contending armies met, and a battle ensued, in which Choban Saldooz obtained great fame and the Jojivi or Kupchak army was defeated. After this victory the Jew Saud-ud-dowlah, persuaded Arghoon Khan to establish the worship of idols* in his dominions, when, unexpectedly, the prayers of the Mussulmans were accepted, and a miracle saved and established the religion of Mahummud; the account of which is as follows. Towards the end of the year 689 Hejri, a fatal disease attacked Arghoon Khan, which confined him to his bed, and his ameers became greatly alarmed for his safety; in particular the Jew Saud-ud-dowlah, who was afraid of the consequences of his bad actions, and endeavoured by a specious adherence to justice and mercy, to avoid them; in one day therefore he despatched seventy letters to different quarters, to forbid any show of partiality or interference with the people on the score of religion; and by that means, freed the professors of Islam from persecution and reproach. As the arrow of the prayer of the persecuted and oppressed, had reached the butt of acceptance, this pretended moderation and liberality was of no avail; the disease of Arghoon Khan increased every day, and as Ameer Togachar and other chiefs, had long entertained a rooted aversion to the Jew Saud-ud-dowlah, on the last day of Suffur 690 Hejri, they seized him and put him to death.
Arghoon Khan was informed of the assassination of Saud-ud-dowla, when he was in the agonies of death, and immediately after expired. Arghoon died on the 3d Rubbiel-Avul of the same year. The religion of Mahummud by his death, became flourishing as a garden by the breezes and showers of spring; and the hearts of its enemies were broiled on the fire of grief and despair. Arghoon died in Karabaugh, a town of Persia, and was buried on the mountain of Zobeer, near the burying place of Kyde, one of the prophets, in a tomb made for the purpose, and the environs were made koorook or sacred; the place is still known by the name of the Tuffuruk of Arghoon. Arghoon reigned seven years.