A. Hij. 943,
A.D. 1536.
Mahmúd Khán, in A. Hij. 943, A.D. 1536, commenced his reign at the age of eleven. On this occasion, Imádu-l-Mulk obtained the office of prime-minister; and Daryá Khán received the title of Majlis Girámí. These two agreed to carry on the affairs of the government, and watched the Sultán so narrowly, that he appeared as if placed between two planks of wood. No one, excepting these two noblemen, ever visited the Sultán; and, though much annoyed at this, he very wisely and judiciously never gave the least indication of his vexation. He appeared so much taken up with amusements and hunting, that you would have said he had no thought for his kingdom or his army. He continued to say, both privately and openly, that a king, having such ministers as Imádu-l-Mulk and Daryá Khán, need not give himself any trouble about his government; and often he would ask, What kind of a place is Mekka? and what like is Medínah? The ministers, pleased to hear him talking in this manner, conducted the affairs of government without any trouble. But the Sultán very wisely, and from necessity, played the simpleton; and whatever of good or bad he might hear, either publicly or privately, he repeated to them without alteration. They were, therefore, much astonished at the Sultán's conduct.
At length, Daryá Khán wished to remove Imádu-l-Mulk from any interference with the government. To further this design, he carried the Sultán on a pleasure trip to a tank near the Mahindrí River, and distant from the city thirty koss; where, having collected together a large force from the neighbouring districts, he commanded Imádu-l-Mulk, in the name of the government, to quit the city of Ahmadábád, and retire to his personal estate. The latter, having no alternative but compliance, went to his estate in Jhaláwár. On this occasion, Daryá Khán, accompanied by the Sultán, pursued Imádu-l-Mulk, and, after following him to the confines of Burhánpúr, sent a message to Mubárak Sháh Farúkí, requesting he would seize the fugitive, and send him to him. Mubárak Sháh, who would not comply with this request, was now at war with Daryá Khán; and, in an engagement fought near Wankírí, the former being defeated, fled to Assír, while his famous elephants, and other ensigns of royalty, fell into the power of Mohammed Sháh II. of Gujarát. Imádu-l-Mulk, continuing his flight from thence, went to Kádir Sháh of Mandú, then Governor of Málwa; and the Sultán, after remaining several days at Burhánpúr, entered into a treaty, stipulating that the oration at the mosque, and the currency of Burhánpúr and Asír, should be in his name.
Soon after this, Daryá Khán, accompanied by the Sultán, returned to Ahmadábád; and, being now at leisure, subjected the whole of Gujarát to his control. He pretended to act in the name of Mohammed Sháh, whom he retained as a pageant. Being much addicted to luxury, he made an agreement that Alam Khán Lódí, one of his confidants, should provide for the custody of the Sultán, whom he gave over to his charge.
The people of Gujarát, they say, whether rich or poor, were pleased and gratified by the propriety of Daryá Khán's kindness, presents, gifts, and pensions. It was his practice to keep by him blank grants of land, sealed with the royal signet, and ready for presentation, in order that the deserving might not be kept waiting.
In this manner, Daryá Khán, for the space of five years, enjoyed himself; and, though the Sultán was informed of his excessive luxury, he took no notice of it. The former continually endeavoured to discover the other's secret thoughts, but was never able to do so, and was wont to say, “I am astonished at the conduct of the Sultán, who is either very knowing or a fool who has no equal.”
Álam Khán Lódí subsequently obtained Daryá Khán's permission to go to his own estate, as he was displeased with his benefactor for the reasons found written in the Mirát Sikandarí. It was reported that Imádu-l-Mulk, in Málwa, had at this time become more and more intimate with Kádir Sháh. Daryá Khán, who was much vexed at hearing this, sent an order in the name of the king of Gujarát, that Kádir Sháh should either seize and send Imádu-l-Mulk to Gujarát, or expel him from his country. The Governor of Málwa wrote in answer that he did not chose to comply. Daryá Khan was enraged at this reply; and, having ordered the king's tents to be brought out, encamped at the palace of Ghattámandal, near the Kankriya tank, with the intention of marching an army against Kádir Sháh. He also issued a firman for the assembly of troops from all quarters of the kingdom; during which time he daily passed two or three hours with the Sultán, and was wont, after returning to his own house, to spend his time in pleasure and amusement.