Ághá (or Mír) Ibráhímsháh’s father Sayyed Abdul Hádísháh, a resident of Isphán, the capital of Persia, left that country at the time of Nadirshah’s invasion and came to Madras in India in 1150 A.H. (1737 A.D.). He was employed as State Physician by the Rájah of that place. At the request of Mían Núr Muh mmad Kalhórah, the then ruler of Sind, who was on friendly terms with the Rájah, the latter sent Sayyed Abdul Hádísháh to the Mían, who received him and entertained him with great respect. Soon the Rájah of Madras died and the Sayyed was induced to stay in Sind and accept the high posts of State Physician and Courtier jointly. After Núr Muhammad’s death and in the reign of Mían Sarafráz, Sayyed Abdul Hádísháh was joined by his son Mir Ibráhímshah, 22 years after the former had left him in his native place. Mír Ibráhímsháh succeeded his father on his death in 1193 A.H. (1779 A.D.) and continued enjoying the respect and confidence of the Kalhórah rulers. Very often he visited the court of the king of Khurásán or Kábul as an envoy on behalf of the Kalhórahs. When the Tálpurs became the rulers of Sind, Ághá (Mír) Ibráhímsháh enjoyed the same respect under them, and he assisted Mír Fateh Alí Khán a great deal as an envoy in securing the rulership of Sind. His eldest son Ághá Ismáílsháh remained as a hostage at the court of Kábul for 12 years on behalf of the Mírs. Ághá Ibráhímsháh had 8 sons, four of whom held the governorship of Shikárpur, viz., Zainulábdin Sháh for 2 years (he was also the Nawáb of Karáchi for 6 years); Tákí Sháh for 30 years; Ibráhím Sháh for 4 years; and Kázím Sháh for 13 years. The latter was killed in the battle between the Tálpurs and the Afgháns at Shikárpur.
The Ághás lived in a Tandó of theirs on the Phulelí near Haidarabad, and it is known as Ághá Ismáílsháh’s Tandó. Their descendants still live there.*