It is related that Sultan Ahmud, before his conversion to the Mahummudan faith, was called Nikodar Ooghul, and that after the death of his brother, having consulted with his chiefs and ameers, it was determined that Arghoon, the son of Abukai Khan, who had received charge of the province of Khorasan during the life-time of his father, and who commanded a large army there, and was therefore an object of dread, should be summoned, by a fictitious order, to attend his father; and by such an order he did attend, and some consultation took place regarding the succession. Arghoon Khan, who was ignorant of the death of Mango Timoor, his great-uncle, was of opinion he, Mango Timoor should succeed his father. Nikodur Oghul however, having assumed the office of Mango Timoor, Arghoon was reluctantly compelled to submit. On the 13th Rubbiel-Avul, 681 Hejri, Nikodur Ooghul ascended the throne in the town of Alatak, and reigned with justice over the country of Persia, particularly Azurbijan and Irak. This prince was the first person of his family who became a Mussulman; when he was converted he took the title of Sultan Ahmud Khan. Sultan Ahmud continued the vuzarut, as before, of Khwajeh Shums-ud-deen Mahummud; he also received Alauddin Mullik Ata into his favour, and gave up Mujeed-ul-moolk Yezdi (for some offence against the Mahummudan law) into his hands to be put to death. Khwajeh Ata Mullik also died on the 4th Zi Huj 681.
As at that time by the righteous endeavours of Khwajeh Shums-ud-deen and Sultan Ahmud Khan, the Mussulman religion began to acquire great strength, several of the princes who were infidels, commenced to entertain and display great malice towards the sultan and his faith; among these, Arghoon Khan, the son of Abukai Khan, retired to Khorasan and raised the standard of rebellion, and in the month of Suffur 683 Hejri, advanced to Damghan. Sultan Ahmud on hearing this, despatched Ali Ibnak, otherwise called Alinak, to Khorasan, to oppose him. Alinak, on his arrival there, took and plundered Damghan and put the inhabitants of that city to death; and shortly after the armies met in the plains of Fuhwacheh, and a battle followed, in which prince Arghoon was defeated. After this event, Sultan Ahmud Khan himself marched to Khorasan, and Alinak hearing of his movement, renewed his pursuit of Prince Arghoon, who sought refuge in the fort of Kilat; about that time Sultan Ahmud and his army arrived at Khojan, and despatched orders to Alinak (who was his son-in-law), to prevail on Prince Arghoon to quit the castle of Kilat, and then bring him to his presence. Alinak therefore entered the fort of Kilat, and by assurances of safety persuaded Arghoon to proceed to Sultan Ahmud’s camp at Khojan. Alinak, in secret, however, used every means to prevail on the sultan to put him to death, but Sultan Ahmud did not attend to his suggestions, but placed him in confinement in a khirgah, and appointed Oorook, the brother of Meer Yoogha, with four other persons selected by Alinak, to keep him in custody. Alinak modestly gave those men orders to put Arghoon to death seven days after he departed, and then went to amuse himself at the camp at Purmahro, in Irak. After he departed, the independent horse of the Sultan Ameer Yoogha Jungshanuk, of Khutaie, and a number of other ameers who were offended at the sultan’s conversion to Islamism, assisted by the friends of prince Arghoon released him in the night from prison, and in concert fell upon Alinak, who was slain, with many servants of Sultan Ahmud. The next day, Ameer Yoogha despatched a camel messenger to the tribe of Kara Qubash, to desire them to seize the passes by which the ??oltulli troops under Sultan Ahmud Khan were about to advance, and after a few days Arghoon also proceeded to oppose the sultan. The sultan heard of the release of Arghoon and the events which followed it, in the vicinity of Isferain, and being without the means to oppose Arghoon, sought refuge with his mother Kowuti Khatoon, who resided in the Sorab of Herat. When the sultan arrived at Kazvin, he fell in with Teelai Timoor, one of the chief ameers of Arghoon, whom he seized and put to death with his sons; and from Kazvin, continued his flight without halting until he arrived at Herat. In his flight, almost all his servants abandoned him.
Two or three days after the arrival of Sultan Ahmud at the Sorab of Herat, the tribe of Kara Oubash attacked his camp and plundered it, and soon after Prince Arghoon also arrived in that vicinity. In these circumstances Bookai and Shunkoor, the chief servants of his mother, to seek favour with Arghoon, treacherously seized Sultan Ahmud, and carried him to Arghoon, pretending they were originally his servants. For this reason some historians have stated, that when Sultan Ahmud arrived at Herat he was recognized and seized by the troops of Arghoon Khan, and that by Arghoon’s orders he was put to death. The facts are, however, that when Bookai and Shunkoor carried Sultan Ahmud to Arghoon, he delivered the Sultan over to the sons of Kunkur Bai, whose father had been slain by Sultan Ahmud, and they, in retaliation, broke his back, and, at the same time, broke the hearts of the people of Islam. Sultan Ahmud reigned two years and about three months.