The first 'Abbásid governor of Ṭabaristán was the already-mentioned Abu`l-Khuḍayb, and the first building erected there by the Muslims was the Great Mosque of Sárí, which he caused to be built on a Monday in the month of ´Abán in the year A. H. 140 (A. D. 757—8), on which date ´Amul was occupied and Ṭabaristán practically conquered by the Muslims. Abu`l-Khuḍayb was governor for two years, and was succeeded by Abú Khuzayma, who settled armed garrisons throughout the country as follows: in Tammísha 1000 Arabs under Fakhr b. 'Abdu`lláh al-Khuzá'í; in Rúdbár, two parasangs from Tammísha, 500 men under Rabí' b. 'Urwán; in Kúsán 300 men under Abu`l-'Ammár al-'Atíqí; in Asrámíl 500 men under Ibráhím b. Isḥáq ash-Shámí; in Sámta 500 men under Kirmán al-Bukhárí; in Kúsán 500 men of Khurásán under Núḥ (<Arabic>); in Dizwán in the district of Panjáh-hazár 1000 men under Jílí b. Sa'd al-Marwazí; in Dú-´Ab 500 men under 'Umar b. Sa'íd; in Mihrawán 1000 men under Khalaf b. 'Abdu`lláh; in Aṣram 500* men; in Azdara 300 men under Ziyád b. Ḥázim*; in Awsarzín 1000* men under Khalífa b. <Arabic>; in Awrárábád above Parícha 500* men; in Rawá 300 men under Walíd b. Maysara; in the city of Sárí 1000 men; in Artá 500 men of Ṭabaristán; in Kaskarúd* 500 men under Muḥammad b. Ná`ib; in Khurramábád 1000 men under 'Abdu`lláh b. Sayf; in Chamanú* 1000 men under Miskín b. Ghazál ash-Shámí; in Firím 500 men under Khalífa b. Bahrám; in Yazdánábád 500 men under 'Umar b. 'Alá; in Kúlá 300 men under Nasrín b. as-Sunqur; in Mámṭír 1000 men under Salám b. Qudáma (f. 88a); in Sáliyán near Lufúr 1000 men; in Níshápúriyya 300 men under Ibn Salma al-Qá`id of Níshápúr; in Ṭábarán 500 men under Muḥammad b. 'Abbás as-Salmí; in Isfandiyár 3000 men; in Tarícha 1500 men under Muslim b. Khálid; in Fatḥ… (<Arabic>)* 500 men from Nisá and Báward; in Jábarán 300 men under Muḥammad b. 'Abdu`lláh; in Masla Zarrín Kúl, 1000 men; in ´Amul 3000 men under the officers, allies and magistrates of the Caliph; in Jílánábád above Rán-Kúh 1000 men under Naṣr b. 'Imrán of Khurásán; in Pá-yi-Dasht 500 men under '´Amir b. Ádam; in Haláwán 500 men, first under al-Muthanná b. al-Ḥajjáj, and then under Muḥammad b. 'Afál; in Nátil 500 men under Sa'd b. Maymún; in Bahrám Dih 500 men under 'Umar b. Bahrám 'Isá; in Qará-Ṭughán of Bálá-ráh, 500 men under Yúsuf b. 'Abdu`r-Raḥmán; in Wáláshjird 800 men under 'Alí b. Jastán; in Kajwúhí Qaṣabatu`r-Rúyán 6000 men under 'Umar b. al-'Alá; in Júrishjird-Sa'ídábád 500 men under Sa'íd b. 'Umar b. al-'Alá; in Kalár, the beginning of Daylam, 1000 men; in the Highlands (Kúhistán) of Júparm (<Arabic>) 1000 Arabs; and in as-Sa'ídí 500 men.
After a year [? Abu`l-Khuzayma] was dismissed, and replaced by Rúḥ b. Ḥátim b. Qayṣar b. al-Muhallab, who was made governor in A. H. 144 (= A. D. 761—2), but a year later, being convicted of tyranny and injustice, he was replaced by Khálid b. Barmak, who took up his abode at a place called after him Khálida-Saráy. He also built for himself a palace at ´Amul, and ruled for four years, building many public buildings and developing the resources of the country, until at the end of this period he was replaced by ‘Amr b. al-'Alá, during whose governorship the Caliph al-Manṣúr died, and was succeeded by (f. 88b) his son al-Mahdí. He, being informed that 'Amr b. al-'Alá had sought the hand of the daughter of Mihrúya in marriage, was angered against him and dismissed him. Sa'íd b. Da'laj succeeded him as governor, and held this position for three years. At this period a Sayyid of the House of Abú Tálib named Ḥusayn b. 'Alí, commonly called <Arabic>, revolted in the Ḥijáz, and was joined by many other Sayyids. The Caliph sent Músá b. 'Isá and Sirrí b. 'Abdu`lláh al-'Abbásí, with other Amírs and officers, to fight him. The Battle took place at Fakhkh, and the Sayyid was slain, together with many of his companions. Some few, however, escaped, and made their way to al-Madína, where Músá b. 'Isá was holding his court and audience, at which, to avert suspicion of disaffection, most of the chief men of al-Madína were present. Presently Músá b. 'Abdu`lláh b. al-Ḥasan b. al-Ḥasan b. 'Alí b. 'Abí Ṭálib, who had escaped from the battle, came in, clad in a course woollen cuirass (<Arabic>), slashed with sword-cuts, and sandals of camel’s skin, and sat down in the lowest place. Immediately afterwards the Imám Músá b. Ja'far al-Kádhim entered. Músá b. 'Isá rose to meet him, and caused him to sit in an honourable place. Sirrí b. 'Abdu`lláh al-'Abbásí turned to Músá b. 'Abdu`lláh b. al-Ḥasan and said, “What dost thou think of the stricken field of rebellion and treachery? Why dost thou not withhold thy hand from such deeds, that thy cousins (meaning the 'Abbásids) might enrich thee and treat thee with honour?” Músá replied, “Our relation towards you is like what has been said in this verse:”
“Good!” exclaimed Sirrí; “it is even so: naught accrues to you save abasement and humiliation. If you would only be quiet as is ỵour cousin here, Músá b. Ja'far, notwithstanding all his learning, piety, nobility and ascetic life (f. 89a), would it not be better?” Thereupon Músá b. 'Abdu`lláh extemporised the following verses:
Now since the Caliph al-Mahdí was preoccupied with these matters, Sa'íd b. Da'laj remained two years and three months as Governor of Ṭabaristán ere he was recalled, and 'Amr b. al-'Alá was again sent to replace him. He it was who built the village of 'Amr (? 'Umar) Kaláda, situated near Wana-bun, as well as another town called 'Umar (? Amr)-ábád. In this year there was a great earthquake; and Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal declared at Baghdad that heavier taxes should be imposed on the people of Ṭabaristán, as well as a 10% tithe on cereals, because the country had not surrendered willingly, but had been taken by force. A year later 'Amr b. al-'Alá was replaced by Yaḥyá b. Mikhnáq (B. <Arabic>), who dealt gently with the people, till he was in turn replaced by 'Abdu`l-Ḥamíd Maḍrúb, who vexed the people with new and oppressive taxes.