Whenas the sun rose o'er the mountain-heights
The soldiers of Túrán girt up their loins,
And spear in hand Suhráb the chief bestrode
His swift-paced charger, purposing to capture
The garrison and bind them like a flock;
But having, roaring like a lion, forced
The gates, he saw no man of name within,
For in the night the garrison had fled
With Gazhdaham, because beneath the hold
There was a way not wotted by the foe.
All agreed
That Gív should go to Rustam at Zábul
To say: “The throne of empire is in danger,”
And summon him to take the field for war,
Because the Íránians looked to him for shelter.
A scribe as they discussed was sitting by
In that the case was one of urgency.