He was born in 1153 A.H. (1740 A.D.) at Multán. He was the son of Madár Alí Sháh, grandson of Núr Muhammad Sháh (alias Sábút Sháh) and great grandson of Sayyed l’sá. When Nawáb Aazam Khan was coming to Sind as Súbahdár and passed through Multan, Sábit Alí Sháh entered his service and came to Sind. When the Nawáb retired and went back to his native place, Sábit Alí Sháh came to Sehwán, where he found the spiritual guide of his family living in the vicinity of Lál Sháhbaz’s shrine. Thus he became a permanent resident of Sehwán and was soon joined by his father Madár Alí Sháh and his brother Parial Sháh, and other relations. He got a preliminary education and early showed signs of an original genius as a poet. He made great advancement in Arabic and Persian literature and commenced writing marcias or elegies describing the martyrdom of the Prophet’s grandson Imám Husain and his party, and singing praises of Alí, the fourth khalíf of the Prophet.
He used to receive allowances and pensions from the Kalhórah rulers and after them from their successors the Tálpurs. Mir Karam Alí Khán was very kind to him, and under his patronage he enjoyed great respect and was safe from the enmity of the Sunní Mullás. He travelled about to other countries, visiting Karbalá and the shrines of all the Imáms, and was therefore called Karbaláí or Zawwár. He died on 27th Jamádessání 1325 A.H. (1810 A.D.) and was buried in the grave-yard of Sehwán. He has written many books, all in poetry. In one of these he has given his autobiography. Sábit Alí Sháh had two sons Imdád Alí Sháh and Ihsán Alí Sháh. The former had a son whose name is Sábit Alí Sháh, who is still living in the vicinity of the Mir’s tombs at Haidarábád and gets a pension from the British Government. He has two sons Parial Sháh and Imdád Alí Sháh.