As has been before related, in the year 665 Hejri, Sullah-ud-din Yoosuf, the son of Ayoob, who was one of the servants of Noor-ud-din Muhmood, the King of Syria, obtained the chief authority in the country of Egypt, and on the first Friday of the month of Mohurrum 666 Hejri, or Ood eel Toorki, he caused the name of Adhid Alwi to be discontinued in the Khotbeh, and substituted in its place the name of Mustukzae Abassi, and assumed the government of Egypt. After the death of Sullah-ud-din Yusuf, his children in their turns occupied the throne of Egypt to the time Mullik Salih (who was also one of his descendants) established himself as king. When Mullik Salih died, one of his slaves, named Kodur, assumed the kingly authority, and the title of Mullik Muzuffur; and in the reign of Hulako, Kunooka Noyaun, his viceroy at Damascus was slain by this man. Some time after that event, Bundookdar Agur one of the mamlooks or slaves of Mullik Salih, attacked Mullik Muzuffur, and having made him prisoner, and put him to death, obtained the dominion of Egypt.
It is related that Bundookdar, after his accession, accompanied by two or three of his most confidential servants, proceeded as a spy to Room, and after examining the state of that country, returned to Egypt; that he then despatched an ambassador to Abukai Khan, with a message purporting that he had made a journey to Room for his amusement, and that he had left his ring in pledge with a certain cook or confectioner there, for provisions supplied to him, and begged Abukai would return it. Abukai Khan was surprised at his rashness, but despatched a messenger to Moeen-ud-din Purwaneh, that he might return friendly letters to Bundookdar in reply. In the mean time, however, the king of Egypt marched to Room, and Purwaneh, from fear of him, abandoned the country. Bundookdar had remained but a short time at Room, when he died. After his decease, his son, Mullik Saeed, succeeded him; but Mullik Saeed reigned only two years, and was succeeded by Syfe-ud-deen Kulladun, or Kullawun, generally known by the name of Alfi.
On the 20th of the month of Zi Huj 673, Ameer Arghoon Aka, who had held the government of Persia thirty years, died at Toos; and in Zi Huj 679, Abukai Khan, the son of Hulako, despatched his brother Mango Timoor Oghul with a large force to Syria and Egypt. Alfi immediately displayed his standard to oppose him, and the two armies met at the city of Hams. In the battle fought there, victory remained with the banners of Islam, and the infidel Moghools were defeated with great loss by the Egyptians. This battle was fought in the month of Rujub 680, and Mango Timoor, the son of Hulako, immediately after retired to Baghdad. Some say, that Mango Timoor was killed in this battle. At that time Abukai Khan was also at Baghdad, and very desirous to march to Syria, to revenge his brother’s defeat; however, some reasons of state prevented him, and he marched to Hamadan.
It is related, that in the latter years of the reign of Abukai Khan, Mujeed-ul-moolk Yuzdi, with the assistance of certain Moghool ameers, obtained the office of dewaun, or vuzeer, and that Abukai Khan became estranged from his former dewaun, Shums-ud-deen Muhummud; he was, therefore, not consulted in state matters, and his brother, Alauddin Ata Mullik, the governor of Baghdad and the author of the history called the Jehan Kusha, at the instigation of Mujeed-ul-moolk Yuzdi, was accused of mismanagement, and his trial was pending, when, on Thursday the 20th of Zi Huj 680, Abukai Khan died at Hamadan of excessive indulgence in wine, at an entertainmeut given by his vuzeer, Shums-ud-din. Abukai reigned seven years and three months; some histories state seventeen years. His dominion extended from Turkey or Room, to Diarbeker, Diar Rubeeah, Georgia, Shirwan, Shumakhi, and to Syria, and from parts of the kingdom of Persia, that is to say, from Shiraz, Ispahan, Istakhar, Yezd, Seistan, Mazinderaun and Khorasan, to the banks of the Jihoon, or Oxus.