THE Great Khan then proceeded to Chôl Moghân, or the Plain of the Fire Worshippers, situated in Azerbâïjân, and summoning from all the countries of the empire of Persia the Ayâns, or Grandees, the Katkhodâyân, or Proprietors, and the Rîsh Safîdân, or Elders, he enforced their attendance by employing rigorous commissioners, who brought them all to appear in that place. One day the Khân having assembled a full meeting of his generals with the Turkish Ambassador, who was come to sue for peace and friendship, and on some pretext having put to death one or two of the most celebrated men of the time, he displayed before them the dread instruments of execution. In that awful assembly he began a speech on the affair of sovereignty, and addressing himself to all that groupe of persons he made allusion to military affairs and the management of the army. As it had been preconcerted, a number of his particular adherents made declarations of their sincere attachment and devoted servitude; and he then requested to have it pointed out to him by the assembly, what person was fit to be their king, and what the mode of conduct to be pursued was under the existing circumstances. The people understood his meaning and opened their mouths to utter what the exigency of their situation dictated. A book inscribed with the particulars of the assent and unanimity of the meeting was impressed with their seals. The sovereign power was abrogated from the possession of Shâh Abbâs, the proclamation of the regal dignity of the Great Khan was set forth, and his title was established as NÂDIR SHÂH. This event took place in the year one thousand one hundred and forty-eight, (A. D. 1735,)* which date was found in the phrase AL KHEIRO FI MÂ WACAA.* Best is what has happened. According to order, the former coin was changed; and on one face of the new pieces was stamped the name of the town of each mint where coined, with the accompanying line Bitârîkh Alkeiro fima wacaa, At the date of Alkheiro, &c. I have heard that one of the elegant poets of Irân produced a similar couplet to the following:
Lines.*We cut off all desire of property and life,At the date of Best is what has happened.
As for Shah Tahmâsb, having sent for the prince Abbâs Mirza, to be near his person, he sometimes resided in Meshed of Tôs and the town of Sabzavâr, and sometimes in Mâzenderân, attended by the guards who were charged with his custody. Nâdir Shah now applied himself to repair and beautify the buildings in the illuminated garden of Rizâ, benediction be on its inhabitants! Some of the lofty edifices on that blessed area he adorned with bricks of gold from top to bottom, and from the foot of the mountains in that district he conducted a stream of water and joined it to the river Khiyâbân, which passes along the area of the garden. In the city he raised and completed a lofty tomb for himself. After its completion, on one of the walls of the edifice was seen written the following distich,
Lines.*Thy music is or should be in every key;The world is full of thee, but thy place is empty.
The writer, though every possible search and enquiry was made after him, was not discovered.
Afterwards he went into the province of Irâk. The Bakhtiârî tribe had again raised their heads to revolt and mutiny. After severe warfare he obtained victory over them. Great numbers of that nation were killed, and the remnant fell powerless of rebellion. From these confines having fixed his resolution on marching to Candahâr, he sent notice of his intention to Hosein, brother of Mahmôd the Kilizehi, who was the ruler of that town; and set out in that direction by the route of Kermân. Hosein had in readiness a great abundance of stores and apparatus, and a well equipped army; and by his command, no sooner had Nâdir Shâh arrived on the borders of Sîstân, than a detachment of Afghâns marched to attack him; but being repulsed and overthrown, they retreated in confusion to Candahâr. When Nâdir Shah afterwards arrived in the neighbourhood of the fortress, again a regular army of Afghâns came forward to engage him, and after a hard fight, having been put to rout, they shut themselves up in the fort. Nadir Shah immediately invested that citadel, which for strength and solidity is one of the most celebrated in the universe; and the Afghâns expended all the efforts within the scope of their ability in performing the duties of vigilant bravery and circumspection, of firm resistance, and unwearied activity. But their exertions proved useless; for the army of the Kizil Bâsh obtained possession of all the dependencies and appendages of the city, and wherever an Afghân was found he became the food of the scimitar.
Nadir Shâh subsequently issued an order in his camp, that every man should build a habitation suitable to his condition; and for himself he gave directions to throw up ramparts and towers, and for the construction of a palace and some lofty edifices. The architects and workmen, who accompanied him in a great body, were not long in completing their tasks; and by the side of Candahâr a vast city with all its appurtenances sprang to view, which obtained the name of Nâdir Abâd.*