Saints, persons acquainted with truth, 369.
Schismatics, 376. See Nonconformists.
School, contemplative and practical, 17, 21, — who look beneath the veil, 27, — for children, 282.
Science, (see Knowledge.) Sciences, course of, 31.
Scourges, national, 259.
Seasons of pressure to be anticipated, 256.
Seclusion, of women, 265, — of kings, (see Access.) Religious, condemned, 327.
Secrecy of alms, 259.
Secrets, transpire, 411, — to be carefully guarded, 440, — not told to wives, 269, — of children, to be respected, 278, 280, — of princes, 410, 420.
Self-importance, 358; -condemnation, 174; -abandonment necessary, 356, 421, 426.
Sense, (see Perception, Intellect,) 451.
Serpents, conjectured use of, 314, — to guard treasure, 403.
Servants, what, 304; sorts of, 310; how to be employed, 310, — treated, 305, et seq.; of kings, rule for conduct of, 421; slaves preferable, 309.
Servility, a generic vice, 109.
Shame, a species of temperance, 73; earliest and best manifestation of mind, 149, 276, 307.
Shoes, worn only out of doors, 134.
Silence, commended, 281.
Sin, necessary as a negative of divine nature, 416. See Vice.
Slander, condemned, 291, 451. See Falsehood.
Slaves and slavery, 309, et seq.; slave girls, 270.
Sleep, to be limited, 280, 406, — before others, improper, 294.
Sleight, 171.
Society, necessary to life, 318, — a term for coparceny, 384. Societies, debating, 177. See Government.
Soil, its functions, 390. See Agriculture.
Soldiery, a class of the state, 373, 388; require restraint, 409, — encouragement, 414.
Sophistry, 31, 171.
Sorrow, causes and cure of, 236, 240.
Sottishness, 158.
Soul, arbitrarily joined to body, 2, n.; how, 122; its powers, 368; origin and return of, 367. (See Reunion, Mind, Spirit, Body.) Its passion for proportion, 123, 228, — for good, 336. See Affinity.
Species of animals, perpetuation of, 150, — of virtues and vices infinite, 85, — of ideas, 367, et seq.
Speech, proper end of, 243; other ends of, 411; false, inexcusable, ib.; proprieties of, 288.
Spheres, immediate causes of events, 121, 361; bring together particles of being, 197, 216; determine character, 285; their motion, 331, 361. See Orbs, Music.
Spies, use of, recommended, 410, 413, 430.
Spirit, man’s, the most excellent, 3, 19. (See Intellect.) Spirits may meet, 336.
State, specific, defined, 38, — of man, individual, 137, 358. (See Morals.) Domestic, see Home. Political, see Government. The, depends on opinion, 384; represents a single person, 385, 397; constituents of, 372, 388, 391; other classes of, 375; balance of, 384, 388; two descriptions of, 365; how to be preserved, 385, 386; offices of, 404.
Stateliness, a species of courage, 71.
Steadiness, a species of temperance, 75.
Stones, precious, dissolved and drank, 198.
Stores of provisions necessary, 246, 251, 256. See Engrossing.
Strategy, rules of, 410, 412.
Stupidity, a generic vice, 105, 171.
Subjects, how to be treated, 381, 404, 409, — to behave, 348. See Relation.
Submission, a species of equity, 82.
Suicide, condemned, 96.
Sunnah, 18, 379.
Superiors, conduct towards, 439.
Supineness, condemned, 406.
Sweetmeats, to be sparingly allowed to children, 279.
Tales, (see Fables.) Tale-bearers described, 437, 451.
Taliation, a natural measure of punishment, 126, 397, 456.
Taxation, of moveables, condemned, 380.
Taxes, appropriate, to be paid without delay, 417.
Temperament, what, 58; simple, ib.; its excellence how determined, 117; affected by the nurse, 273; immutable except in a latitude, 36.
Temperance, how derived, 55, 57, 151, 164; defined, 65; mean between, what, 143; its species, 73; counterfeits, 90, et seq.
Tenderness, a species of equity, 78.
Territory, dependence of the city on, 408; war to be carried out of, 412.
Theology, its comprehensive nature, 32, 62.
Therapeutics, see Medicine.
Things, order and mode of production, 358; contained in their causes, 359; their circuitous process, 363; their rank and order, 118; connexion between, 420; similar and dissimilar, 336; animated, homogeneous, 79; valuable, 240.
Thought, (see Intellect, Observation.) Should control habit, 164.
Trade, its influence on character, 252; its importance, 389; should be protected, 455.
Traditions, their several sorts, 400, n.
Transgressions, three classes of, 129. See Crimes.
Treachery, inexcusable, 411, 444. See Falsehood.
Treasures, of the Almighty, 83.
Treasury (Prince’s), importance of, 404; repository of rarities and valuable writings, 7, 198.
Truth, (see Falsehood.) Beauty of, 337.
Types and figures, in reasoning, indispensable, 371; in Scripture, 102.
Tyranny, a generic vice, 109.
Valuables, deposits from God, 240.
Vaticination, condemned, 171. See Divination.
Vegetable kingdom, its rank and order, 118, 233, 316.
Veil, its metaphorical sense, 27, 113; use of by women, 265, 271.
Venery, excess in, considered, 224.
Vice-regence of God, the proper end of man, 13; how realized, 21, 138, 448.
Vices, diseases of the mind, 30; extremes, 100; two to each virtue, 108; not properly opposites of virtue, 170; generic, 108; specific, 111; individual, infinite, 105; a natural proneness for, 19, 40, 157, 276, 386, 450; prevention of, 155, et seq., 394; cure, 174, et seq.; partial, may be tolerated, 394.
Virtues, means, 100, 108; how derived, 55, 57; generic, 55, et seq.; specific, 65; mixed, infinite, 85; real and counterfeit, 88, et seq.; absolute and approximate, 107; must be realized in act, 66, — on others, 293, — and sought in essence, 98; differ in individuals, 106; how maintained, 155, et seq.; how acquired, see Perfection. Difficulty of acquiring, see Proneness. The only lasting good, 161, 333, 345, 452; aim of creation, 391.
Visiting, women to be restrained from, 271.
Viziers, difficulty of their situation, 424.
Unanimity, virtual, 372.
Union, a species of equity, 78. See Reunion.
Unity, the only state, 17, — of God, 113, et seq.; numerical, 115; source of all delight, 117, 337, — and affection, 308, 330, 426, — and order, 191, 248, 386.
Universals, distinguished from particulars, 17, 54, 150.
Want, measured by wishes, 162, 163; distinguished from desire, 448.
War, rules for the conduct of, 410, et seq.
Way, of rectitude, metaphorical, 101, et seq.
Wealth, its importance as a means, 91, 256; its vanity as an end, 161, 162, 187; proper object of, 284; in wives, dangers of, 264, 274.
Wine, its mischievous effects, 156, 253, 255, 280, 371, 394.
Wisdom, defined, 21, 62, 65, 86; archetype of law, 408; therapeutics of the mind, 30; how derived, 55, 57; how attained, 24, 151, — preserved, 159; practice essential to, 22, 451, 452; species of, 68; counterfeit, 89; pleasures of, 335; essential to other virtues, 97; consists in selection, 65, 335, n.
Witchcraft, 255, 440.
Wittoldom, 172.
Wives, why needed, 247, 268; plurality of, indefensible, 266; rules for choice of, 262; rules for treatment of, 265, et seq., — for conduct of, 272; good and bad described, 272, 273.
Women, contempt for, 225, 264, 269, 272, 442.
World, — to come, (see Paradise, Reunion.) Present, (see Life and Earth.) Produced and conducted by intellect, 360; why, ib. (See Love, Mercy.) Fortune turns to its contemner, 422. Of patterns, 17, 336.
Wrangling condemned, 171, 290, 442.
Writers, 388. See Ancient Learning.
Zeal, a species of courage, 72.
Zones, collapse of, 42; temperate only, inhabitable, 43.