Exalted son, a reporter writes to his own brother from the district of Lauli (that) “The tolls on merchants and travellers bring forth every year from Rs. 15000 to 16000; but the district treasurer and the police officer do not send to the royal treasury more than Rs. 1000 or 2000.” Truly, this is not ‘ráh-dári’* (collecting tolls) but ‘ráh-zani’ (rob­bing the king of his property). The (use of the) property of the people (by the king for his private expenses) is unlawful*. If these officers take five percent out of hundred and one percent out of forty (of the tolls) I will not grudge it. Suppose that the dishonest practice of the treasurer is disclosed, the first thing for enquiring into this is that an order should be issued in the names of the commissioner and the secretary. Then I know what to do about his dishonesty. The half of the produce of the land is allow­able to the landlord and the remaining (half) is the property of the king.

In the reign of His Majesty (Sháh Jehán), a person, at the time of the passing of the royal procession, cried out in a loud voice, “This auspicious time is an aggre­gate of good actions. Just ruler and the greatest mini­ster, (Your Majesty) is anxious to have honest secretaries. Your subjects are in a good and secure condition. It is a duty incumbent upon me to thank (God) for the divine favours upon (your) most holy personage.” On hearing these words, H. M. ordered the procession to halt for a time, called the special officers from a distance and raised up his hands for blessing the man; and then presented him a robe of honour. At that time Sa’ad Alláh Khán told H. M., “The necessaries of the life of a man are in proportion to his desires, and his desires are in proportion to his good nature.”