106. Houlcundaya land is given to the Condachar* Peons in lieu of wages—with this land the Balcundaya or waste land is intermixed. You are to enquire into this matter, and leaving with the Peons the cultivated land, you are to discontinue the Balcundaya or waste land, and in lieu thereof are to give them land which has lain fallow 5 or 6 years, and is become fit for cultivation, so as to make up the full quantity to them according to their establishment; distributing it to them individually through the Kelladar and Mutsuddies
Whenever one of these Peons dies, you are to enlist one of his brethren or family, who shall be fit for service, in his place; and deliver over to him the land and its produce; and if he shall have died heirless, the produce of his land, then on the ground, shall go to Government, and you shall enlist some able-bodied man, and deliver the land to him. When the produce of these lands are ripe, the Peishkaur, Aumil, and Munshoor, with the Mutsuddies of both departments, are to go and take an exact measurement of the produce, and having entered it in the accounts, give it up to the Peons.
Whoever shall keep waste land in his possession, is to be reproved and fined, and to be made to cultivate it. It is fixed that they (the Peons) shall be paid six times in a year; you shall therefore, every two months, settle their accounts, and after setting off half the amount of the produce of the land against the total of their wages, you are to pay them the remainder through the Kelladar, in ready money, so that it shall come into their own hands, and you are to take the Kelladar’s receipt for it.
If the Kelladar, Serishtadar, or Naikwaurs, shall keep the lands of the Peons in their own hands and cultivate them, the lands are to be taken from them, and they shall be made to pay double the value of the produce, together with a fine, to Government.
107. Whenever Peons are detached upon the affairs of Government, an account is to be kept of the time allowed them for absence. If they should exceed their time by one or two days only, no notice need to be taken of it; but if they should be still longer absent, their pay for the period of such absence is to be stopped and forfeited to Government.
108. You are ordered to keep up the full complement of Peons of the Ahashaum, according to the fixed establishment; and when men are wanted to complete their number, you are to make choice of those who are of the Byder cast, and of Reyuts who belong to the families of the old Peons, and also of able-bodied Peons who are out of the service. The Kelladar has received an order similar to this: it must be strictly adhered to, without deviation. You are to enlist the men and furnish them with their pay, and are to take a receipt from the Kelladar. In case men of the descriptions above mentioned are not to be had, you are to prevail upon poor Reyuts, who live 5 or 6 in a house together, to enlist; and are to complete the number of Ahashaum men and pioneers, who are wanted for the fort, from them. If you fail to complete these corps by some one of these ways, you will incur the severest displeasure.