Sultan Hoosain Meerza was spending the early days of spring in pleasure at Alung Musheen, and his troops had gone to their homes, a few of the nobles of the army remaining near the king. Intelligence of this reached Budeen-ooz-Zuman, and Shah Beg the son of Meer Zoonoon, at Gurmsere. These, perceiving that their time had arrived, determined to march quickly against the king with three or four thousand horse, so that the news of their movement should not reach him. With this intention, they mounted their horses, and without an hour’s repose on the road, on the fifth or sixth day they arrived near Subzwar; when Fureedoon Hoosain Meerza, the son of Sultan Hoosain Meerza, hearing of this, strengthened the fort, and sent successive runners to the king, conveying the news of this matter to him. On this reaching Alung Musheen, the nobles fell into the ocean of agitation, for the want of soldiers. The Sultan sent one of the men of consequence about him to Herat, with orders to strengthen the fort, and to tell Ameer Ali Sher to prepare everything there, and that when he should receive the royal Firman to that effect, he was to send him troops. The king had ditches dug to save his sepoys, and threw out advanced parties, the men of which brought word that the enemy was not stationary, but that he was coming on like wind and water.

Without doubt, if Budeen-ooz-Zuman and Shah Beg had fallen on the royal troops that night, in the same manner in which they had hitherto advanced, they would have taken the ball of victory from before the king, and their affairs would have been according to their desires; but from the strength of the fortune of Sultan Hoosain, they were not able to arrive, and they went to sleep near Esfuraiyan. In the morning, when the royal forces began to appear like the stars, bodies joining the king’s camp, Budeen-ooz-Zuman and Shah Beg awoke, and, thinking as before, they advanced against the king’s army. When the two forces came in sight of each other, the Nugarahs were beaten, and the clamour of the troops began to arise on both sides. Budeen-ooz-Zuman and Shah Beg, with their men all in one body, came on, and set on light the fire of battle. They fought very well with the royal troops, when, at the latter end of the battle, the king himself came upon the field on his marching throne. At the time of the shining forth of the sun of the Sultan, the sepoys of Budeen-ooz-Zuman, as the stars set, so they turned their faces in flight. Budeen-ooz-Zuman went in the direction of Gore, Shah Beg towards Dawur.

The king, having conquered, was happy, and turning his face towards Herat, he gave praise to God.

This occurred in Shaban 903 (A. D. 1497).