The son of Mu‘izzu-d-Dīn Kaiqubād nominally ascended the
in Bahāpūr in the year already mentioned, by the cooperation
of Shāyista Khān and Malik Chhajū; and the uncle of
Shāyista Khān, named Malik Ḥusain, who had kept quiet at Kīlū-
Shāyista Khān used to bring the prince into the durbār hall
and used himself to give audience and to regulate the important
affairs of state. After a month or two, he brought Sulān Shamsu-
The duration of the kingdom of Shamsu-d-Dīn Kāi Kāūs was three months and a few days.*
The wine of the sky is not unmixed with the brine of
The world's one employment is jugglery—naught else.