BEING ever honored by royal favor may you be success­ful and victorious over the enemies of your faith and government! After the compliments of friendly blessings, it is represented to your penetrating and engaging soul, that on the arrival of your Grace’s friendly letter, which was addressed to your true friend, great joy ensued. With regard to what passed on the subject of forwarding the address to Court; on the 21st of Mohirrumulheram, in a lucky moment, it was presented in the bathing house by the assistance of the imperial Paymaster; and the whole contents reached the ears of dignity and lustre. His imperial Majesty was exceedingly pleased, and an answer was given agreeable to your wish. Act according to it; for the royal favor exceeds all that I can write. Constantly and frequently despatch the occurrences of that quarter to Court; for his angelic soul is very desirous of news from that province. And considering your sincere friend, as your agent; whatever business you may have in these parts, command me without ceremony: for in performing the duties of fidelity, as far as in my power I have not, nor shall I com­mit any neglect. What remains of the occurrences here you will learn from the address of my son Mirza Mahommed. With what more should I trouble you? May the sources of prosperity and power increase daily!