AREFAT-DAY, (i.e., ninth of the month of Zilhidj) i, 291, (foot-note).
ASSED-QHAN, appointed Vekil-mootlak, or Agent-General, i, 15. Intercedes in behalf of his son, Zulficar-qhan, i, 58. Met with a severe punishment, i, 62. His character and death, i, 99. Receives a humble message from Emperor Feroh-syur; his reply thereto, i, 101.
ASSED-YAR-QHAN, a famous Poet, his death; short history of, iii, 239-240.
ASSED-ZEMAN-QHAN, Zemindar of Birbohom, his refusal to meet the undue claim of Mir-cassem-qhan, ii, 394. Posts his troops at Kerivha and stands on his defence, ii, 395. His whole army dispersed by a handful of English, ii, 396.
ASSEF-ED-DOWLA, alias, MIRZA-AMANI, succeeds his father under unfavorable circumstances, iv, 69-70. His character criticised; his message to his mother for payment of his late father’s treasures, iv, 71. Attempts to seize Sidy-beshir; deprives his younger brother of the administration of Rohil-cund, iv, 72. Mr. Middleton appointed Resident at the court of, iv, 73. John Bristow, the new Resident, becomes all-in-all at his court, iv, 74. His senseless conduct; disbands his father’s disciplined troops, iv, 76-77. Weakness of his administration, iv, 83. Takes the assistance of the English to surprise Mahboob-aaly-qhan, iv, 84. His private life and character, iv, 96-100.
ASSIR, FORTRESS or, ceded to the Marhattas by Nizam-aaly, iii, 359. Its origin and history iii, 362-363.
ATA-OLLAH-QHAN, his connection with Shudja-qhan, late Viceroy of Bengal; invested with the Government of Acber-nagur-radje-mahl, ii, 19. Sent to offer assistance to Mir-djaafer-qhan; his success in an action against the Marhattas, ii, 24. Conspires against Aaly-verdy-qhan; unbecoming reception of Aaly-verdy-qhan by, ii, 25. His petition to Aaly-verdy-qhan; quits the army, ii, 26. His treasonable letter intercepted, ii, 49. His banishment; his amazing fortune, ii, 69. Fights for Nevol-roy; slain in battle, iii, 291.
AZIM-ABAD, universal rejoicing at, after the defeat of the Afghans, ii, 57. Siege of, ii, 349-353; 532-535.
AZIM-OLLAH-QHAN, neglected by the Emperor Mahmed-shah on his failure to get Malva out of the hands of the Marhattas; assumes a different attitude; dismissed from office, iii, 219. Pursued; takes the protection of Zekeriah-qhan, iii, 220.
AZIM-USH-SHAN, second son of Bahadyr-shah, assumes the crown, i, 22. His defeat in the battle with his brother, Muez-eddin, i, 25-29. Drowned, i, 29.