Ascends the throne — his dissipated and licentious character — permits his mother to exercise great cruelty. — She murders the widows of the late king, and one of his sons. — Distracted condition of the court. — Pretenders to the throne. — Con­federacy of the great chiefs of the kingdom against the King — they assemble forces at Lahore. — The King marches to oppose them — reaches Munsoorpoor, where he is deserted by seven of his generals, who raise Ruzeea Begum, the King's sister, to the throne at Dehly. — The King returns to his capital, but is seized by his officers, and delivered over to the new government.

IT appears from the histories of the times, that in the year 625 Shums-ood-Deen Altmish appointed his son, Rookn-ood-Deen Feroze, governor of Budaoon, and, after the reduction of Gualiar, created him his lieutanant in the Punjab. When his father died, this prince happened to be at

Shaban 21.
A. H. 633.
May 1.
A. D. 1236.

Dehly, and ascended the throne, without opposition, on Tuesday the 21st Shaban, in the year 633; on which occasion the nobles made their offerings, and swore allegiance, while the poets of the age vied with each other in his praise. But no sooner was the ceremony over than he abandoned himself to licentious excesses, and neglected the affairs of his government.

He lavished his father's treasures on dancing women, comedians, and musicians, leaving the conduct of all public business to his mother, Shah Toorkan. This woman, originally a Toorky slave, was a monster of cruelty. She murdered not only all the women of Shums-ood-Deen's harem, to gratify her hatred, but also put to death Kootb-ood-Deen, the youngest of that king's sons. The minds of the people revolted at these scenes. Gheias-ood-Deen Mahomed, the King's younger brother, governor of Oude, intercepted the reve­nues from Bengal on their way to the capital, and declared himself independent. At the same time, also, Mullik Eiz-ood-Deen Salar, the governor of Budaoon, Mullik Alla-ood-Deen Khany, governor of Lahore, Mullik Kubeer Khan, viceroy of Mool-tan, and Mullik Seif-ood-Deen Koochy, governor of Hansy, entered into a confederacy, which broke out into open rebellion. Rookn-ood-Deen Feroze, collecting his troops, marched to Kelookery, but was there deserted by his vizier, Nizam-ool-Moolk Jooneidy, and by part of his army. The vizier went towards Kole, where he joined Mullik Eiz-ood-Deen Salar, governor of Budaoon, and they proceeded together to Lahore, at which place they formed a junction with the nobles of the northern and western provinces. The King, mean time, marched towards the confederates; but on reaching Munsoorpoor, seven of his principal chiefs, viz. Taj-ood-Deen Zobeidy, Mullik Mahomed Du-beer, Baha-ood-Deen Hussun, Mullik Kureem-ood-Deen Zeea-ool-Moolk, Sheer Khan, Khwaja Rusheed, and Ameer Fukhr-ood-Deen deserted him, and retired with their followers to Dehly. There they raised Sooltana Ruzeea Begum, the eldest daughter of Shums-ood-Deen Altmish, to the throne, and imprisoned the King's mother. When this news reached the King, he returned hastily with his army towards Dehly, and having arrived

Awul 18.
A. H. 634.
Nov. 19.
A. D. 1236.

at Kelookery, Sooltana Ruzeea Begum on the 18th of Rubbee-ool-Awul, in the year 634, advanced with a force against him. Rookn-ood-Deen was delivered up into her hands, and died in confine­ment some time after; so that he reigned only six months and twenty-eight days.