MAY God Almighty preserving safe and secure from the accidents of fortune the highly accomplished, the asy­lum and refuge of his friends, Khanjew, grant him his desires in both worlds! After establishing the foundation of attach­ment and affection, it is represented to your friendly soul, that as you had written with your affectionate pen on the subject of respect, and attention to the will of the reverend Shaikh Abdussitar; and measuring out for him the lands for his liveli­hood in a good place; considering it an honor and happiness, I have studied attentively whatever was agreeable to the incli­nation of the said Prelate. My expectation from the rule of concord is this, that whatever business or commission you have here, you will without hesitation confer upon me the honor of your commands; that the duties of sincerity may be performed. May the shadow of your prosperity be extended and per­manent!