His origin — espouses the daughter of Kootb-ood-Deen Eibuk
— is created general-in-chief of the King's army — deposes
his brother-in-law Aram, and ascends the throne. — Dissensions
in the state. — The Toorky cavalry quit him, and
sometime after march to Dehly to dethrone him. — The
Toorks are defeated. — Taj-ood-Deen Yeldooz, being expelled
from Ghizny by the troops of Khwaruzm Shah, occupies
Punjab, and even seizes on Tahneswur — is defeated by Alt-
IT is related in the Tubkat Nasiry, that Shums-
Sooltan Mahomed Ghoory heard at Ghizny of
Altmish's beauty and talents, but could not agree
with the merchant about his price. He was therefore
carried back to Bokhara, as none durst buy
him on account of the King's displeasure, till
Kootb-ood-Deen Eibuk, obtaining the King's permission,
purchased him at Dehly, whither he had
invited the merchants, for 50,000 pieces of silver.
Kootb-ood-Deen Eibuk, also, at the same time,
bought another slave, whom he called Toghan,
He was afterwards appointed governor of Surhind.
Kootb-ood-Deen Eibuk had three daughters, the
eldest of whom was married to Nasir-ood-Deen
Koobacha, the second to Shums-ood-Deen Alt-
Altmish, as the son-in-law of his master, rose in
rank till he was created general-in-chief; and,
upon the death of Eibuk, as we have before related,
he advanced against the capital, expelled
Aram from the throne in the year 607, and declared
himself King with the title of Shums-ood-
Soon after this event, Oodye-Sa, the tributary raja of Jalwur, having refused to make the usual payments, the King was induced to march and reduce him to obedience. Taj-ood-Deen Yeldooz, at this time king of Ghizny, sent to Altmish the ensigns of royalty, pretending to confirm him in the government of India; but soon after, when Yeldooz was himself defeated by the troops of Khwaruzm Shah, and retired to Kirman and Shivuran, he turned his views towards the conquest of the East. In the first instance he seized the country of Punjab, and occupied the city of
A. H. 612.
A. D. 1215.
Tahneswur in the year 612, where he
endeavoured by his emissaries at the
court of Dehly to raise a faction in his
favour. Shums-ood-Deen Altmish meanwhile collected
his troops, and advanced towards him. An
action took place on the plains of Narain; Taj-
A. H. 614.
A. D. 1217.
In the year 614, Altmish attacked
Nasir-ood-Deen Koobacha, his brother-
A. H. 618.
A. D. 1221.
the year 618, the famous but unfortunate
Julal-ood-Deen Khwaruzm Shah, being
defeated in the north by Chungiz Khan,
retreated towards Lahore, where Altmish opposed
and compelled him to retreat towards Sind and
Sewustan. Nizam-ood-Deen Ahmud and some
other historians have placed the arrival of Julal-
A. H. 622.
A. D. 1225.
In the year 622, Shums-ood-Deen led
his army towards Behar, and Luknowty,
where he exacted tribute from Gheias-
According to the most authentic historians it
was in this year (622) that Shums-ood-Deen
Altmish marched against Nasir-ood-Deen Koo-
A. H. 623.
A. D. 1226.
A. H. 624.
A. D. 1227.
In the year 623, Altmish reduced the
fort of Runtunbhore, and in the year
624, that of Mando, and the country of
Malwa. At this time Ameer Roohany,
the most learned poet and philosopher of his age,
fled from Bokhara, after that city was taken by
Chungiz Khan, and sought protection at Dehly,
where he wrote many excellent poems.
A. H. 626.
A. D. 1229.
In the year 626, an embassy from
Arabia, bringing with it royal robes from
the Caliph, arrived at Dehly. The King
assumed them with joy, and made a great festival,
distributing rich presents. In the same year he
received intelligence of the death of his eldest
son Nasir-ood-Deen Mahmood, Prince of Bengal.
Altmish conferred the same title on his younger
son, whom he carried with him to that province
A. H. 627.
A. D. 1230.
in the year 627, and invested him with the government, which had fallen into confusion subsequently to the death of the former prince. Having entirely settled this country, he left Eiz-ool-Moolk Alla-ood-Deen Khany to superintend its management, and returned with his son to Dehly.
A. H. 629.
A. D. 1231.
Shums-ood-Deen Altmish formed a
design, in the year 629, to reduce the
fort of Gualiar, which had, during the
short reign of his predecessor Aram, again fallen
into the hands of the Hindoos. Having accordingly
besieged it for a whole year, and the garrison
being greatly straitened, the Raja Dewbul made
his escape in the night, and the garrison capitulated;
above three hundred of whom were put
to death. Mullik Taj-ood-Deen Zoobery, who was
present at the capture, has commemorated the
date of the transaction by four lines carved on a
stone over one of the gateways.*
After the reduction of Gualiar, the King marched his army towards Malwa, reduced the fort of Bhilsa, and took the city of Oojein, where he destroyed a magnificent temple dedicated to Mahakaly, formed upon the same plan with that of Somnat. This temple is said to have occupied three hundred years in building, and was surrounded by a wall one hundred cubits in height. The image of Vikramaditya, who had been formerly prince of this country, and so renowned, that the Hindoos have taken an æra from his death, as also the image of Mahakaly, both of stone, with many other figures of brass, were found in the temple. These images the King caused to be conveyed to Dehly, and broken at the door of the great mosque.
After his return from this expedition, Altmish marched his army towards Mooltan; but falling sick on the road, he was obliged to return to Dehly,
Shaban 20.
A. H. 633.
April 30.
A. D. 1236.
where he died on the 20th of Shaban, in
the year 633. His vizier, towards the
latter end of his reign, was Fukhr-ool-