Khalíl Khán, having assumed the title of Muzaffir Sháh, mounted the throne, at Ahmadábád, on Friday the 17th of Ramazán, A. Hij. 917, A.D. 1511, being then in his twenty-seventh year. He distributed presents, according to every man's rank, after the manner of his ancestors; and those who had been his intimate friends, while he was prince, received titles. The noblemen of the late court had also their dignities increased, and additional villages were assigned for their support.

An ambassador from Sháh Ismael Safawí, king of Persia, whose name was Mír Ibrahím Khán, arrived in the month of Shawál; when a crowd of nobles went out to meet him by order of the king of Gujarát, and received him with every honour. The ambassador brought with him a cup of turquoise stone of great value, which, with a box full of jewels, many silken clothes, and thirty horses of Irák, sent by the king of Persia, he presented to the Sultán. The latter, after presenting the ambassador in return several costly dresses and princely presents, set out on a journey to Baroda, and named the district of that city Daulatábád.

About this time, intelligence was received that a battle had been fought on the plains of Mandú, between Sultáns Mahmúd and Mohammed* of Málwa; and that Sultán Mohammed, in order to take refuge with Sultán Muzaffir, had in the mean time encamped near Mahmúdábád Chám­pánír. The Sultán ordered that he should be supplied with whatever he might require; and sent a message that, if it pleased God, he would advance with him to Málwa, after the end of the rainy season. The Málwa prince and his family came to live in the palace belonging to Ádil Khán, the son-in-law of the Sultán; which residence he inhabited till the time when he unexpectedly took his departure, without taking leave of the Sultán; as there was a great talk about what had happened between him and the followers of the Persian ambassador. The Sul­tán was much annoyed at this, and sent an ambassador with presents to take leave of the

1st of Shawál,
A. Hij. 917, was
22d December,
A.D. 1511.

prince; when, in the month of Shawál, of A. Hij. 917, A.D. 1511, it was represented to him that Sultán Mahmúd of Mandú, brother of the Prince Mohammed just men­tioned, having heard that the latter was in Málwa, had collected a large army of Rájpúts, and, after opposing him in battle, had put him to flight. It was also said that Maidání,* or Mídání Ráo, Sultán Mahmúd's chief man of business, had acquired such authority, as to leave nothing with the Sultán but the name of a king, and that infidelity was, consequently, spreading afresh in the cities of Málwa.

The Sultán of Gujarát, being now moved with zeal for the cause of the true faith, commenced his march for Málwa, in the above mentioned month. During the period of the army halting at the town of Godhrah, waiting the junction of other troops, the Sultán received intelligence that the Rájá of Ídur had become disobedient. He consequently ordered the troops to march in that direction, and to destroy the buildings and temples of Ídur. This happened in the year of the Hijra 919, A.D. 1513. The Rájá, repenting of his conduct, caused the fixed tribute to be paid. After this, the Sultán returned to Godh­rah; where he gave the prince, Sikandar Khán, an audience of leave, on his departure for Mah­múdábád Chámpánír, and he himself continued his march for Málwa. After arriving at the town of Dohad, he gave orders for the construc­tion of a fortification there, when, continuing to advance, he received intelligence that Mídání Ráo had carried Sultán Mahmúd to Chanderí. On this occasion, the Sultán declared that it was not for the purpose of seizing the throne of Málwa from its prince that he carried his army there, but in order to drive Mídání Ráo and other infidels out of the country, by which he might reconcile the brothers to each other.

The Sultán, after hearing the praises of the edifices that existed in the hunting-park at Dhar, went to amuse himself there; and, having displayed intrepidity in the chase, returned to Ahmadábád.