M. Bashir-ud-din, B.A., LL.B., of Bhopāl, who found page by page and put together the Persian Manuscript and checked the translation: L. S. Balbhadra Sinha of Senore, who collected and gave much aid in the translation of Rup Mati’s songs: Pandit Gulab Shankar Dixit, for the spadework of the translation of the Persian and assistance with that of the Hindi text: Colonel C. E. Luard, C.I.E., for much general assistance, especially in finding, extracting, and translating passages from the Persian Chroniclers: Sir John Marshall, C.I.E., for permission to make use of photographs taken under his instructions for the Archaeological Department of the Government of India: Mr. Lawrence Binyon for assistance with and criticism of the five pictures belonging to the Persian Manuscript: and the late Rai Bahadur D. B. Parasnis for finding me the pictures reproduced as illustrations III and VIII. No. VII is from a photograph obtained from the Agra Museum.
The five pictures belonging to the Persian Manuscript and referred to in the Introduction as Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 correspond to illustrations Nos. IV, I, V, VI, and VII respectively.
L. M. C.