This is a treatise entitled Lawā'iḥ* (“Flashes of Light”), explanatory of the intuitions and verities displayed on the pages of the hearts and minds of men of insight and divine knowledge, and of those who enjoy spiritual raptures and ecstasies. It is written in suitable language adorned with pleasing explanations. I trust that readers will hold of no account the personality of the author of this commentary, and will refrain from taking their seats upon the carpet of cavilling and animadversion. For the author plays only the part of interpreter in the following discussions; his sole function is that of mouthpiece, and nothing else.
Believe me, I am naught—yea, less than naught.
By naught and less than naught what can be taught?
I tell the mysteries of truth, but know
Naught save the telling to this task I brought.For poverty to make no sign is best,
On love divine to hold one's peace is best;
For him who never felt ecstatic joys
To play a mere reporter's part is best.With men of light I sought these pearls to string,
The drift of mystics' sayings forth to bring;
Now let his trusty slaves this tribute bear
From foolish me to Hamadān's wise king.*