THUS sayeth the compiler of these records and events, an humble and sinful slave, *Moobaric Oollah *Eradut Khan *Wazeh, son of the *sheltered in mercy, *Keffaiut Khan, writer of the *Shekest: When I had finished the *Kulmaut Aleeaut, it entered my mind to draw up a concise relation of what events had happened to myself, while I was composing that work.
I have observed, that delightful scenes, and the society of friends, are not so striking at the time of enjoyment, as afterwards, when reflected in the mirror of recollection. On this account, I write down most passing occurrences; and whenever I peruse them, or ruminate upon them, a particular feeling, a surprising pleasure and astonishing extasy, prevail in my mind. My writings also serve as a memorial to my friends.
During the short period of my age, which has this day arrived at the sixty-fourth year, and the 1126th of the holy A.C. 1715. Hijhera, such wonders of time, such astonishing marks of the power of the Creator of night and day in the vicissitudes of worldly affairs, the destruction of empires, the deaths of many princes, the ruin of ancient houses and noble families, the fall of worthy men, and rise of the unworthy, have been beheld by me, as have not been mentioned by history to have occurred, in such number or succession, in a thousand years.
As, on account of my office, and being engaged in these transactions, I have obtained a perfect knowledge of the sources of most events, and what, to others, even information of must be difficult, was planned and executed in my sight; and as I was a sharer, as well as spectator, of all the dangers and troubles, I have therefore recorded them.
My intention, however, not being to compile a history of kings, or a flowery work, but only to relate such events as happened within my own knowledge, I have therefore, preferably to a display of learning in lofty phrases and pompous metaphors, chosen a plain style, such as a friend, writing to a friend, would use for the purpose of information. Indeed, if propriety is consulted, loftiness of style is unfit for plain truth, which, pure in itself, requires only a simple delineation. I hope, therefore, that my readers will not loosen the reins of impartiality from their hands, nor call my modesty, ignorance.