SAFAR NAMEH. Persian pictures. A book of travel. Bentley, London, 1894. [Published anonymously.]

“Poems from the Divan of Hafiz.” Translated by Gertrude L. Bell. Heinemann, London, 1897.

“The Desert and the Sown.” By Gertrude Lowthian Bell. Heinemann, London, 1907. Two editions and a German translation.

RAMSAY (SIR W. M.) and G. L. BELL. “The Thousand and One Churches.” Hodder and Stoughton, 1909.

BERCHEM (MAX VAN) AMIDA… (Mit einem Beitrage: “The Churches and Monasteries of the Tur Abdin” von Gertrude L. Bell.) Winter, Heidel-berg, 1910.

“The Vaulting System of Ukhaidir.” Journal of Hellenic Studies, xxx., pp. 69-81. 1910.

“Amurath to Amurath.” Heinemann, London, 1911.

“Palace and Mosque at Ukhaidir.” A study in Early Mohammedan Architecture. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1914.

“Review of the Civil Administration of Mesopotamia.” (India Office White Book. December, 1920.)

“Political History of Iraq,” in “Encyclopædia Britan­nica,” 13th Edition.

Also articles in The Fortnightly Review, Blackwood's Magazine, &c.