His name was Shekh Usmán Marwandí. He is one of the four contemporary saints called “The Four Friends,” the other three being Shekh Baháuddín Zakariyyá, Makhdúm Jahánian (Sayyed Jalál Bukhárí), and Shekh Faríd Shakarganj. In 662 A.H. (1263 A.D.), when he came to Multan, Sultán Muhammad the son of Sultán Ghayásuddín, the Emperor of Dehlí, who was very fond of poets and pious men, used to visit him very much. Shekh Baháuddín and Shekh Faríd as well as the celebrated poets Amír Khushró and Amír Hasán of Dehlí, pressed him to become a permanent resident of the place, but he did not comply with their request and went to Sháh Shams Bú Alí Kalandar. This saint told him that there had been already some three hundred Kalandars in Hindustán, that there was no place for him there and that he had better go to Sind. Following this hint Shekh Usmán Marwandí came to Siwistán (Sehwán) and determined to settle there. The piece of ground which he occupied and where his tomb now stands was the residing place of public women. It is said that during the very first night of the Shekh’s stay at the place the men who had come to visit the women could not perpetrate the immoral deeds for which they had come. Early in the morning they came to the Shekh and repented for their past life and promised to lead a moral life for the future. As he was a man of great learning and piety he soon became well-known throughout Sind and neighbouring countries. He lived a single and austere life and died in 673 A.H. (1274 A.D.) and was buried there. An annual fair is held at Sehwán, which continues for 2 or 3 days, and is visited by a large number of people.