YOUR two letters, of the 11th and 15th of Ahmedy, have been received, and the account of your conferences with the Paishkâr* of Râo Râsta is understood.
The Mahrattah army has come and laid waste our dominions, to the amount of eight lacks of pagodas,* and otherwise proceeded in an unwarrantable manner: the commanders of our forces have, in consequence, been reduced to the necessity of attacking that army, which, after sustaining a severe defeat, has been driven across the Kishna. On their return [from the pursuit of the enemy] our commanders seized on Râmdoorg, and have since opened trenches against Nergûnd. We still, however, are willing to relinquish the attack upon the latter place, on condition that the arrears of the usual Paishcush be discharged, and due satisfaction be made to us for the injury done to our country. We shall otherwise soon reduce the place.
You must return to us by the post all the bills of exchange in your possession and in the possession of Noor Mahommed Khân.* If the chiefs of that place consent to the dismission of the said Khân, and to his being dispatched hither, we shall then be enabled to ascertain from him every particular respecting that quarter, and to consider the means of remitting the money [due or claimed].
Your account of receipts and disbursements is duly arrived. A remittance will, hereafter, be made to you, for defraying the expences of your mission.*