It has been previously mentioned that the king looked upon Meer Zoonoon with the eye of kindness, giving him a Khilat and a standard, and placing him over Kandahar, Gurmsere, and Dawur. Three years afterwards, Meer Zoonoon collected together many of the men of Huzarah, Nukduree, Kubchag, and of the Moguls of Kandahar. When the news of this reached the ears of the king, he sent a royal Firman to call Meer Zoonoon, who without delay arrived at the foot of the throne, placing there offerings of great value. He also gave to the princes and men of consequence about court, according to their degree, various rarities. Therefore all the people loosened their tongues in praise of him, deeming him a wisher of happiness to the king. Yet, with all this, the king had not confidence in him. Meer Zoonoon was a wise man, and, following the track of knowledge, he determined in his own mind to effect his business through Budeen-ooz-Zuman Meerza, whom Meer Zoonoon was in the habit of visiting when he was alone, and he daily presented him with something fresh and new. One night, Meer Zoonoon said to him: “I perceive, from the manner of the king, that he will not now allow me to depart; it is therefore better that I give my people their leave, that they may go home.” The Meerza, hearing this, gave him great praise. After Meer Zoonoon had remained there a year or upwards, one night, at a private assembly, in the presence of the king, they were talking of various matters, when his royal highness himself said: “What do you think of Meer Zoonoon being a well-wisher of happiness towards me?” Upon this, the people at that party became thoughtful. Meerza Budeen-ooz-Zuman said: “No Ameer agrees to take the government of Kandahar; and if any go there, in the space of two or three years they die through some disease or some quarrel: it would be better to give Meer Zoonoon his dismissal, for this would not be in vain, for two reasons— for Meer Zoonoon, on going there, will be either obedient or rebellious; if he is rebellious, it will not be fruitless, for two reasons— for he will either die of the disease of that country, and, if he does not die, he will not escape from our hands.”
The king approved of this, saying: “The bridle of the choice of this matter is in your hands.” Meerza Budeen-ooz-Zuman took security from Meer Zoonoon.
The king then gave Meer Zoonoon a handsome Khilat, a horse with saddle and bridle, and all the requisites for a force, such as a Nugarah, and a standard, and he directed the officers of state to furnish him with a Firman, with the royal titles affixed.
Meer Zoonoon gave a written engagement to the Meerza, to the effect that “when the king’s Firman arrives, I will attend without delay.”
Meer Zoonoon, seeing the kindness of the Meerza, sent a man to Kandahar to call his son Shah Beg, who, with Abdoor Rahman Urghoon, Zeenuk Turkhan, Janfur Urghoon, and Meer Fazil Kookooltash, and 200 horsemen, quickly came to Khorasan. By the arrival of Shah Beg and these others, the king, the Meerza, and all the government officials, gained confidence.
On account of Meer Zoonoon’s going to Kandahar, Meer Zoonoon remained a long time with the king, when the princes, Ameers, and Wuzeer, exerting themselves in his favour, represented to his highness that the borders of Kandahar were much disturbed; that if it was so ordered, Meer Zoonoon would go there, and put matters right. The king ordered that Zoonoon himself should go to Kandahar, leaving his son and nobles there. On hearing this, Meer Zoonoon, abandoning all his property, horses, tents, &c. went quickly to Kandahar, taking with him his son and all his nobles. Two or three days after this event, the king issued orders for Meer Zoonoon to remain until the first days of spring, and that he might then depart for Kandahar. The attendants went to his house, and seeing that only his property was there, they came to his royal highness, telling him the circumstance of his departure. Hearing this, the king said: “Zoonoon having left in this manner, I shall not see him again.” The princes and Meers said: “Why should he not come? all his horses, camels, tents, and property are here.” His royal highness replied: “This is the stratagem of his cleverness: he has made game of me, and gone away.” And so it was.
The king then wrote a kind Firman, which he sent by a trusty attendant, named Sarban Ali, who, going with great speed, met Meer Zoonoon as he was marching out of Furat, when he delivered the Firman to him. Meer Zoonoon, advancing to the front, took this with great humility, and reading its contents, he was much pleased. He apologized to Sarban Ali, saying: “I am two marches from home, I will have a meeting with my children, and, having filled my stomach with everything, I will then accompany you to the king.” When he got to Kandahar, he did Sarban Ali much honour, givin ghim large sums of money. One day he was in a tent with his two sons Shah Beg and Mahomed Mokeem, and his brother Meer Sultan Ali, when he called Sarban Ali. After speaking on various subjects, Meer Zoonoon said to him: “I think that if I went to the king, he would not allow me to return again: tell me the truth.” Sarban Ali, who had experienced a great deal of kindness at his hands, replied as his heart desired. Then Meer Zoonoon, presenting him with a handsome Khilat, a horse with gold caparisons, and much money, he gave him his leave. When Sarban Ali reached the king, he told him all the circumstances, giving him the letter which he had brought from Meer Zoonoon. The king was distressed at this; but it is no use to be sorry for that which has left our hands.