Of the Letters which Mankind write to one another.
MAY the servants of the fortunate, gracious and friendly Khanjew, being always under the care and protection of Almighty God, be happy! After confirming the engagements of sincerity and affection, it is represented to your enlightened understanding, that it is a long time since you called to your recollection your true friend, by a few lines of an agreeable epistle from your Highness. Forbid that the cause of that should be anything else than amusement and pleasure! The way of unanimity is this. Contrary to days that are past, paying regard to the practice of affection, frequently call to your remembrance your zealous friend, and do not admit the idea of forgetting me; for it will be the means of strengthening the ties of sincerity. My asylum hail! The reverend and upright Shaikh Abdussitar, who is one of your friends, has at this time, agreeable to supreme authority, obtained by way of livelihood, a Tankha on a piece of land in the Pergunneh of Doriapore; a dependancy of your own Jageer. Therefore be pleased to order your agents, to give him a Perwanneh directed to the Mutissuddies of the Pergunneh; that they may put the said lands into the possession of the said reverend person, wherever he may choose it; and consider an attention to him necessary; that the said person being well pleased may express his gratitude. It will also be the cause of satisfaction to this friend. What farther trouble should I give? May the days of prosperity increase!