A. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
Part I, Chapter XI: On the Sagacity of eminent persons. | |||
f151b | f102a | 565 | Short Introduction: Choice of Adam at Jibrá’íl’s offer of the three heavenly gifts. |
” | f102b | 566 | Yaḥyá b. Khálid the Barmecide charged with misappropriation and peculation, acquitted and rewarded by al-Manṣúr. |
f152a | ” | 567 | The conquest of Kúfa by Harthama b. ’A‘yan prophesied by himself. |
” | ” | 568 | The clever trick of Aḥmad b. Abí Khálid upon Yaḥyá b. Aktham before al-Ma’mún. |
” | f103a | 569 | Ibráhím Mawṣilí’s ingenious device to prevent calamity falling on Fadhl b. Marwán, the minister of Mu‘taṣim. |
f152b | ” | 570 | Yaḥyá b. Khálid the Barmecide divines the secret of Hárún ’r-Rashíd. |
” | ” | 571 | Ja‘far the Barmecide foretells his own doom and discovers Hárún’s evil intention. |
” | ” | 572 | The clairvoyance of the Caliph ‘Umar on the occasion of Naháwand. (Anec. repeated, see above, I. iii. 79). |
” | ” | 573 | The Caliph ‘Alí’s lines on his own murderer, ‘Abdu’r-Raḥmán b. Muljam. |
” | f103b | 574 | The claims of the ‘Abbásids manifested in as-Saffáḥ and al-Manṣúr before their accession. |
f153a | ” | 575 | The two alleged reasons for the enmity of Walíd b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik towards ‘Alí b. ‘Abdu’llah b. ‘Abbás. |
” | ” | 576 | al-Manṣúr selects Baghdád as the site of his capital after an examination of its soil. |
” | ” | 577 | ‘Abdu’l-Malik b. Marwán’s farewell to his favourite slave-girl and the clever guesses of the poet Kuthayyir. |
f153b | f104a | 578 | Muḥammad b. Simá‘a and Imám Sháfi‘í’s right guesses. |
” | ” | 579 | Imám Sháfi‘í’s search for knowledge and his experiments ín the science of physiognomy and his correct readings. (The Kitábu’l-Firása is mentioned in this connection, see above, p. 100). |
” | ” | 580 | Abu’l-Ḥusayn or Ḥasan Daylamí’s experience with a psycho-analyst of Antioch. |
” | ” | 581 | Abú Sa‘íd Kharráz doubts the honesty of a Dervish and is exposed. |
” | ” | 582 | Khayr-i-Nassáj and Junayd of Baghdád read one another’s thoughts. |
f154a | ” | 583 | Abú Bakr-i-Shiblí burns the robe of ‘Abdu’llah Rází along with his cap, as a punishment and disciplinary measure. |
A. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
f154a | f104b | 584 | Junayd of Baghdád and Sariyyu’s-Saqaṭí; the former’s first sermon and the conversion of a Christian. |
” | ” | 585 | Ibráhím Khawwaṣ points out a Jew in his meeting and thereby converts him. |
” | ” | 586 | Physiognomists tell the Caliph Hárún about the true parentage of his supposititious son. |
f154b | ” | 587 | The story of the Jinnís and the lad from the Banú Jusham. |
” | ” | 588 | The two brothers of Banú Asad, their companion, strange occurrences, and augury. |
” | f105a | 589 | The young physiognomist Aflímún (Polemon) reads the true nature of Hippocrates the philosopher, (the Kitáb’ul-Firása is referred to as the first work of its kind, see above p. 100). |
f155a | f105b | 590 | ‘Alí b. Jahm, the poet, relates a story before al-Mutawakkil about the communion with spirits and information derived secretly through them. |
f155b | ” | 591 | Abú Umámatu’l-Báhilí’s quest for a true religion and his acceptance of Islam at the hands of the Prophet. |
f156a | f106a | 592 | ‘Abdu’llah b. ‘Abbás realises the truth of the predictions of an old soothsayer. |
” | ” | 593 | How the Caliph ‘Uthmán’s aunt predicts his marriage with Ruqayya and his faith in the Prophet. |
f156b | f106b | 594 | A skilful lad challenges a party of fowlers, of whom Abu’l-Ḥusayn ‘Arúdhi was one, and catches birds without nets and surprises them. |
” | ” | 595 | The prophecy of Abú Ayyúb Sulaymán Wahb about the future greatness of his son, and the downfall of the son of the reigning Wazír Muḥammad b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik. |
” | ” | 596 | Another version of the same story. |
f157a | f107a | 597 | ‘Abdu’llah b. Ziyád erects an inn at Baṣra called the Dáru’l-Baydhá’, and an Arab makes a prediction. |
” | ” | 598 | Mulázim b. Ḥárith Ḥanafí’s story of a young prisoner who takes an omen and is delivered from the prison of Ḥajjáj. (T. F. S. pt. I, p. 127—8). |
f157b | ” | 599 | A shrewd guess of ‘Abdu’l-Malik b. Marwán about Ibráhím b. ‘Abdu’llah, the governor of Ahwáz. |
” | ” | 600 | Aḥmad b. Yazíd the secretary tells a story of Músá b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik’s foreknowledge and the warning gíven by him to one of his governors named Shujá‘. |
” | ” | 601 | al-Manṣúr guesses rightly about the buyer of a big fish, that he must be very rich, and thereby finds the man to have been bribed. |
” | f107b | 602 | al-Manṣúr detects a miser who concealed his wealth, and posed as a beggar. |
f158a | ” | 603 | Three clever men detect a thief of Ahwáz and recover the stolen purse of a trader of Baghdád. |
” | ” | 604 | Another story of a boy who traced a blind negro thief. |
” | ” | 605 | Hárúnu’r-Rashíd’s letter sent to ‘Amr b. Mas‘ada through his brother Abú ‘Ubáda, the consultations of the two brothers, and Hárún’s foresight in telling them what passed between them. |
f158b | f108a | 606 | Yaḥyá b. Khálid, the Barmecide, before his trial predicts the future of the ‘Abbásids, and recommends Aḥmad b. Abí Khálid the Squint to Fadhl b. Sahl: The story of the letter torn in two pieces. |
f159a | f108b | 607 | Zubayda’s taunt and Hárúnu’r-Rashíd’s prediction about the future greatness of Ma’mún and his succession. |
A. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
f159a | f109a | 608 | Muḥammad b. Naṣr’s story of Músá b. ‘Abdu’l-Malik ‘Abbásí’s sagacity. |
f159b | ” | 609 | Story of the constant twitching of the eye-lids as indicating good-luck. |
” | ” | 610 | Amír Naṣr b. Aḥmad the Sámáníd raises Abú ‘Alí Chagháni to the rank of a governor, and predicts that he will turn a traitor to his sons later on. |
” | ” | 611 | Abú Naṣr Mushkání points out to Sultan Maḥmúd why he cannot enjoy the pleasures of his beautiful garden at Balkh. |
f160a | f109b | 612 | Sultan Maḥmúd foresees the future of his empire and reads the character of his two sons Mas‘úd and Muḥammad. (Story related by Abú Naṣr Mushkání). |
The chapter ends without any eulogy. |