Part I, Chapter VIII: On the Witty Sayings of the Kings.
      A short Introduction: Kings’ Words are the Kings of Words.
f135b f90a 444 The saying of the Persian king Húshang: “I am a blessing to the law-abiding and a scourge to the reactionaries.”
f136a 445 Ḥajjáj justifies his harsh conduct before the Imám Sha‘bí as needful to the times.
f90b 446 Afrídún, the great legislator, and one of his sayings; and the five indis­pensable vocations.
447 The famous speech of the king Minúchihr on his accession to the throne.
f136b f91a 448 Afrásiyáb’s exhortation: Do or Die.
449 Kay-Qubád’s method of administration: Classification of officers & offices.
f137a 450 Alexander not afraid of the comparatively huge army of Dárá.
451 Núshírwán’s simile of the world and its inhabitants (Fáryábí cited).
452 Núshírwán ever conscious of his duty to the Creator.
453 Núshírwán’s humble prayer to God after his brilliant victory over Mazdak.
f91b 454 al-Manṣúr’s reply to Abú Bakr Ṣandalí about the grievances of the people.
455 The Caliph al-Manṣúr prays for the soul of Ibráhím b. Isḥáq ‘Aqílí, his foe.
f137b 456 The Caliph Hárún’s wish to bestow some land on Mu‘taṣim and his witty remark to Fadhl b. Rabí‘.
457 Marwánu’l-Ḥimár refuses to buy the favour of Muḥammad Ibráhím by marriage.
458 al-Manṣúr’s offer to Ru’ba, the poet, in reward for his poetry: 3,000 Dínárs or three counsels.
459 The lament of Marwán II after his deposition.
f92a 460 The causes of the downfall of the Umayyads.
461 al-Ma’mún tells Ibráhím Nakha‘í the etiquette of drinking.
f138a 462 as-Saffáḥ’s proclamation of amnesty to the people of Kúfa.
463 al-Mu‘taṣim’s warning to ‘Abdu’llah b. Ṭáhir after his victory over his rivals.
464 ‘Abdu’l-Malik b. Marwán’s counsel to his sons.
465 An Arab king deposes some officers but pays their salaries.
f92b 466 A Persian king’s regard for an old faithful servant.
f138b 467 al-Ḥajjáj’s statement about the places in which good and evil are found together.
468 al-Manṣúr’s immediate reply to the ambassadors from Rúm, about the three defects in the new palace.
469 Núshírwán’s ideal to be free from sin and danger, expressed in his council with the Ráy of India, the Khán of Turkistán and the Qayṣar of Rúm.
470 Núshírwán’s opinion of life and death.
471 Jadhímatu’l-Abrash and the king of Rúm on the accomplishments of their sons.
f139a f93a 472 ‘Abdu’l-Malik b. Marwán’s counsel to his sons on the conduct of life.
473 Ibnu’l-‘Abbás’s admiration for Mu‘áwiya’s ideal of life.
f139a f93a 474 The four superior qualities in Mu‘áwiya which overthrew the Caliph ‘Alí.
475 Shápúr b. Ardashír’s advice to his son Hurmuz about the art of government.
476 The four wise precepts of Yazdigird b. Bahrám Gúr highly appreciated in the court of al-Manṣúr. (The Ta’ríkh-i-Mulúk-i-‘Ajam as the source, see above, pp. 55—60).
f139b f93b 477 Parwíz orders the decapitation of a proud Governor.
478 Parwíz’s counsel to his son about the army.
479 The extent of Parwíz’s love for Shírín.
480 The first appearance of the Caliph ‘Uthmán on the pulpit.
481 ‘Uthmán the Caliph’s piety and generosity in the pre-Islamic days.
482 The Caliph ‘Uthmán explains the failure of his mild policy to critics. (The Gharíbu’l-Ḥadíth as the source).
      The chapter ends with a short eulogy upon the Wazír.