18 line 1 for capitulations, read recapitulations.
19 line 17 for we lay, read we will lay.
20 note for <Arabic> read <Arabic>
28 note 7 for <Arabic> read <Arabic>
31 note 2 after <Arabic> insert <Arabic>
50 line 3 for on separate, read in separate.
58 note 8 after Usud ûllah ul Ghâlib, insert This was one of the titles; and dele viz.
66 line 13 for approaches, read parallels.
67 line 17 and wheresoever occurring, for Buktshies, read Bukhshies.
99 note 12 for A. H. 1147, read A. H. 1197.
109 line 5 for Dalwâr, read Dulwye.
112 last line for Bubi Ali, read Bubir Ali.
126 line 12 for Mukhun Zaal, read Mukhun Laal.
130 note for a shilling, read from four to five shillings.
150 note 5 The sentence which follows the word “circumcised,” and beginning “If this,” has been accidentally transposed. It should follow at line 11 page 151 the words “title of Letter CXLV.”
152 line 6 for subsisted, read subsists.
165 line 9 for Mânâyâr, read Mânâwâr.
168 line 21 for gram, read grain.
185 line 8 for brother-in-law, read relative.
185 line 21 The words “at Muscat” should follow “Commercial Consul,” instead of following “Hydery.”
202 note 13 for A. D. 1764, read 1759-60.
202 note 13 for Ubjee, read Ubjud.
208 note 1 for want of encouragement, read want of arrangement.
212 note 1 dele name uncertain.
233 line 5 for Khulfâr, read Khulfân.
235 line 3 for realization, read execution.
244 line 16 for reasonably, read seasonably.
275 note 4 for ten, read two.
296 line 4 for the latter is, read the latter are.
326 note 8 line 4 for the perusal, read their perusal, and dele of.
326 note 8 line 12 put the bracket after “them,” instead of after “claims.”
331 note 40 line 5 for translation, read transaction.
342 line 5 The words “some of,” should have stood between brackets, thus [some of].
345 line 9 for discharged, read discussed.
347 line 9 for recovery, read discovery.
349 line 21 dele himself, and substitute his (Bûrhânûddeen’s) army.
371 note 15 for <Arabic> read <Arabic>
391 note 2 for was, read are.
395 note 19 for article, read articles.
402 note 10 for <Arabic> read <Arabic>
411 line 12 dele the comma after however.
411 line 18 for the state, read that state.
420 line 14 At the end substitute a note of interrogation for the full stop.
431 line 10 for extracts, read extract.
432 line 16 for customary rules, read customary rites.
437 note 2 for giving, read given.
441 line 2 for Gûlshumâbâd, read Gûlshunâbâd.
441 line 13 after established, insert at.
448 note 1 line the last, for and is most probably an error, read and arises, perhaps, from an error.
453 line 9 for vigorously, read rigorously.
458 line 14 for Khulfâr, read Khulfân.
460 line 15 for department, read apartment.
461 line 18 for imply, read implies.
479 line 4 after pack up, instead of the baggage, read their tents and baggage.
481 line 4 for begged, read begging.
481 note 11 line 3, after given, insert verbal.
482 line 11 for Lewai Mâdhee, read Sewâi Mâdhee.
489 line 17 for in one part, read on one part.
1 penult. for Nurwail, read Nuwâyet.
2 line 6 for Kâzy, read Râzy.
13 line 3 from the bottom, for Musnud, read Munsub.
13 note 4 for 1559, read 1557.
15 line 9 for Beeny, read Punny.
23 line 19 for these writers, read those writers.
24 line 12 for been obliged, read being obliged.
26 line 14 for Wâng, read Wâg, or Waug.
31 line 4 from the bottom, for Bhen, read Bhow.
34 line 5 from the bottom, dele the s in departments.
35 line 14 dele the final s in justifications.
38 note 18 dele the s in volumes.
41 line 23 after Bay-nuzeer or, insert a — to denote a blank; and read Hurriâl as the sixteenth of the towns enumerated.
48 line 12 for Gûjâm, read Gunjâm, usually called Shehr Gunjâm.
48 line 13 for Huzârs, read Bâzârs.
48 line 13 for Meers’, read Men’s.
52 line 8 from the bottom, for De Rany, read Decany.
66 penult. for Shudâl, read Shâdâb.
141 note 2 This is an idiom, or rhetorical figure of the Persian language by which a word, necessary to the sense, but thought to be of ill omen, is dropped, and some other, of a very different (perhaps, as in the present instance, of quite an opposite) meaning, is substituted in its place. Thus, instead of saying “the Nabob is ill,” the polite or respectful phrase is, “the Nabob’s enemies are ill.”
230 note 1 Dele this note, Bârgeer being only another name for Silahdâr cavalry.
329 note 26 After <Arabic> insert Udhôny, Udhoony, or Udhowny — for the second syllable admits of being thus variously read. At Hyderabad I think it was invariably pronounced Udhowny, i. e. with futha before,
373 line 7 Cancel the words “and that even if any exceptions had been made to it, he would not have found it difficult,” and substitute for them, “or he might think that if any exception should be taken at it, it would not be difficult,” &c.