A. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
Part I, Chapter VII: On the Virtues and Memorable Traits of the Kings. | |||
f127a | f83a | 401 | Introduction: The ten supreme qualities of the ancient Persian kings observed by Ibnu’l-Muqaffa‘. |
f127b | ” | 402 | The qualities which secured promotion in ancient Persia. (The Kitáb-i-Áyín-i-Mulúk as the source. See above, pp. 56, 57). |
” | ” | 403 | Kay-Qubád on the splendour of the kings. (Ẓahíru’d-Dín Fáryábí cited). |
” | f83b | 404 | Abú Muslim’s advice about the colour of cloth (viz, black) which was recommended by Ardashír to his sons. |
f128a | ” | 405 | Abu’l-Qásim Ḥuṣayrí’s advice to Sultan Radhi[yyu’d-Dín Ibráhím, the Ghaznawid,] about administration. |
” | ” | 406 | The Sultan Ibráhím Radhi[yyu’d-Dín]’s anxiety for the appointment of the successor of his old chamberlain. |
” | f84a | 407 | Sultan Maḥmúd’s policy in punishing a beautiful fugitive Turkish slave. |
f128b | ” | 408 | The Caliph al-Mu‘taṣim’s unlucky choice of his favourites. |
” | ” | 409 | Sabuktigín’s advice to his son, Maḥmúd, to build the garden of Magnanimity. (Niẓámí-i-‘Arúdhí-i-Samarqandí’s famous lines cited). |
f129a | f84b | 410 | ‘Umar II’s conception of leadership. |
” | ” | 411 | The Caliph ‘Umar’s kind treatment of his slaves. |
” | ” | 412 | ‘Abdu’llah b. Ṭáhir adopts the Persian custom of giving justice to all on the day of Nawrúz and Mihrgán. |
” | ” | 413 | ‘Abdu’llah b. Ṭáhir acknowledges the claims of a noble of Ghazna and appoints him as the Governor of Báward. |
f129b | f85a | 414 | Abú Sahl-i-Tustarí’s advice to Ziyád b. Sahl and his benevolent government of Khurásán. |
A. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
f129b | f85a | 415 | Majdu’l-Malik, the Wazír of the Saljúqs in Níshápúr, usurps an old woman’s house and the Sultan Ibráhím Radhiyyu’d-Dín of Ghazna recompenses her. |
” | ” | 416 | Muhallab b. Abí Ṣufra’s happy choice of Málik as an ambassador to the court of Ḥajjáj. |
f130a | f85b | 417 | The Caliph al-Manṣúr rewards an Arab for his witty remark. |
” | ” | 418 | How Núshírwán, pleased at the witty remark of a trader, permits him free passage. |
f130b | ” | 419 | Sabuktigín advises Maḥmúd about the welfare of his people during his absence. |
” | f86a | 420 | The great Famine in Iṣṭakhr, and the Kisrá’s generosity that restores peace and plenty. |
” | ” | 421 | The two precepts of the governor of Iṣfahán as the key-note of his success. |
f131a | ” | 422 | Yaḥyá b. Khálid, the Barmecide’s posthumous generosity as experienced by an ardent lover. (Dihqán ‘Alí Shaṭranjí cited). |
” | ” | 423 | Ḥajjáj’s advice to ‘Abíd b. Yazíd al-Muḥáribí, on entrusting him with the governorship of Ahwáz. |
” | f86b | 424 | Dá’úd-i-‘Abbás adopts a mild policy and restores his kingdom. |
f131b | ” | 425 | Núḥ b. Manṣúr the Sámánid’s justice to the herdsmen saves him from the attack of ‘Amr b. Layth. |
” | ” | 426 | The Caliph al-Ma’mún forgives the jeweller who broke a very large and precious ruby. |
f132a | f87a | 427 | The Caliph al-Mahdí’s order to exhibit ‘Isábád to friends and foes alike. |
” | ” | 428 | The Caliph al-Mahdí’s generosity in buying a slave-girl at the request of an ardent lover. |
” | ” | 429 | False charges of a fugitive slave investigated by al-Manṣúr, who finds the Kúfí master innocent. |
f132b | f87b | 430 | How Naṣr b. Aḥmad, the Sámánid, cured himself of his hot temper, and became famous for his clemency. |
” | ” | 431 | al-Ma’mún and the letter-box: why al-Ma’mún burnt the letters addressed to him by al-Amín’s favourites. |
f133a | ” | 432 | How Mu‘áwiya secretly rewards a person from the Ḥijáz. |
” | ” | 433 | The Ambassadors from Rúm and Ḥabash at the court of al-Ma’mún. |
” | f88a | 434 | al-Ma’mún rewards Ṭáhir b. ‘Abdu’llah b. Ṭáhir with the captured treasures of Egypt. |
f133b | ” | 435 | Isḥáq-í-Mawṣilí points out to Mu‘taṣim his defective choice of favourites. |
” | f88b | 436 | al-Manṣúr advises al-Mahdí to restore the confiscated property of the public. |
” | ” | 437 | How al-Mahdí indirectly punishes Abu’l-Ḥasan Muḥammad b. Ṭalḥa al-Báhilí through the governor of Khurásán. |
f134a | ” | 438 | The judge, Muḥammad b. ‘Imrán aṭ-Ṭalḥí, summons the Caliph al-Manṣúr to his court. |
f134b | f89a | 439 | Ḥamza b. Shaybán’s (?) importunate visits to al-Manṣúr and his simultaneous rewards. |
” | f89b | 440 | How al-Manṣúr, the Caliph, detected a profligate thief, and restored the treasure. |
f135a | ” | 441 | How ‘Abdu’llah b. Ṭáhir punishes his nephew, the Governor of Herát. |
” | ” | 442 | Amír Ismá‘íl Sámání pays damages for the trespass committed by his camel. |
A. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
f135b | f90a | 443 | Shamsu’l-Mulk, the son of Ṭamgháj Khán the Great, punishes Ḥájib Ulugh by billetting a regiment of Turks on him. |
The chapter ends with a eulogy on the Wazír. |