“In these days some of our cavalry have taken prisoners Hunmunt Râo, a “person of palankeen rank, and three others belonging to the Mahrattahs. “Hunmunt Râo was sick; but has had due attendance, both in medicine and “provisions, and was then sent back. He says he has two brothers in Pursaram “Bhâo’s service. Tell Holkar and Râo Râsta, that princes and great chiefs act “thus; while they, on the contrary, have carried off from Surhutty the Kilaadâr “and Aumildâr, who being old are of no use to the Sircar, but being of a noble “origin, I would advise them to get some of their offspring.* Also a Kilaadâr, “named Ghûlâm Mohyûddeen, who is young; but, being wounded in the foot “is become useless. It is the custom with them [i. e. the Mahrattahs] to get the “breed of horses; therefore it is right that they have kept these people also for a “breed. Doubtless their offspring will be good. One Kishun Râo, likewise, has “been detained by the above. He likewise, being old, I do not want. Let the “Brahmens employ him in getting children: and as I have a great many other “useless people, I will, if they please, send them also, who may be employed in “the same way.” (Written by Mirzâ Husan.)*
Although, if rigidly understood, the preceding letter would warrant a belief, that the Sultan really intended that his embassador, employed in negociating a peace, should actually hold the offensive language here prescribed, to the persons with whom he had to treat, yet the supposition seems too extravagant to be admitted: I am, therefore, inclined to think, that if the letter before us proceeded from any thing else but a mere ebullition of spleen, it was probably meant to display that talent of coarse raillery, in the exercise of which he was particularly fond of indulging.