On the 6th of Jumadee-ool-Awul, Hijree 858 (A. D. 1454), Jam Roydhun came forth.
In the time of Jam Tughlug, he lived in Kutch, with the men of which country he had become connected.
He placed near his person many of those men, such as were penetrating, whose hearts he pleased without limit, constantly making them presents of horses and things of value. These men, perceiving on the forehead of his acts the signs of rectitude, with all sincerity placed themselves in his hands.
When the news of the decease of Jam Sekunder reached him, taking many men, he went to Tatta, and collecting the men of that city, he said: “I have not come to take the country, but I have come to save the property of the Musulmans. I do not consider myself fit to be king; he whom you consider fit for the situation, make him king, and I will be the first of any to give him the hand of homage.” Amongst those men there was no one fit to be king, so all of them agreeing, placed him on the throne of the kingdom. In the course of one year and a half, he pulled beneath his rule the whole of Sind, from the ocean to Kajur, Mullee, and Khoondee, the boundaries of Matheluh, and Oobawruh. After reigning eight years, the wind (idea) of ruling over the Sultanut entered the head of one of his least esteemed friends, Jam Sunjur, and other slight acquaintances consenting, joined him.
Jam Roydhun was drinking wine in private, when Jam Sunjur, putting some poison in a bottle, gave it into the hands of one of his attendants, three days after drinking which Jam Roydhun died. It is also written by some, that a man, a Fakeer, one of judgment, who was considered in those times as a saint at Tatta, was in the habit of constantly coming to the Jam, who always treated him with great respect, seating him on his own seat; and whatever this Fakeer said the Jam agreed to it.
One day, at an assembly, the Wuzeers and nobles said to the Jam— “Ask that Fakeer, to whom you give so much honour, what God is like, and what is his description.” When the Jam heard this, he placed it in his heart. Four days afterwards, when this Durwish came to the assembly, the Jam did not pay him the usual attention. The Fakeer understood that there was something in this. The Jam then asked him: “What is God like, and what description does He bear?” The Fakeer replied: “The description of God is this, that three days hence He will destroy you by means of a horse 16 kos from this, and he will place Jam Sunjur on your seat.” The third day after this, the Jam went to hunt, not bearing in mind what the Fakeer had said. By chance he galloped his horse, when he fell, and his foot remaining in the stirrup, at the distance of 16 kos from Tatta his life was given to God.