YOUR real slave Ahmed the Sadeeki represents at the place of addressing the benevolent and elevated Nabob, my sup­port and my Kibleh, that upon receiving the honorable Per­waneh that was issued in my name, I became honored and ela­vated. And with regard to what was written on the subject of serving and attending to the noble, upright and generous Meer, Dervaish Ali, agreable to your high command I have labored from my soul to satisfy the desire and inclination of the said Meer. I held not myself excused from any service that lay within my power: according as the said Meer will report ver­bally in your illustrious presence. I am hopeful, that, like­wise whatever business, or service you may have in these parts, you will elevate me with the honor of your commands; that considering it as my present and future happiness, I may per­form the duties of attachment in executing it. What should I add more? May your shadow be extended!