Second Book.—Preface, pp. 1 to 3—Turks, early Mughals and Kará-khitáians, pp. 3 to 15—Ghorian Dynasties, pp. 16 to 26 —Kings of Kirt, Khwárizm, Chángíz Khán and his descendants, pp. 26 to 90—Tímúr and his descendants, pp. 90 to 122— Sultáns of Hindústán, pp. 123 to 165.

First Book. — Hindí and Muhammadan Doctrines of the Creation, pp. 165 to 208—Muhammad and the twelve Imáms, pp. 208 to 290—Kings of 'Ajam, Arabia, Abyssinia, Rúm, Egypt, the Popes and Khalífas, etc., etc., pp. 291 to 490— Sámánís, Ghaznivides, Buwaihides, Saljúks, Atábaks, etc., pp. 490 to 694—Safavíans, Nádir Sháh, and Sultáns of Rúm, pp. 695 to 745.

SIZE—8VO., 745 pages of 11 lines each. Including marginal notes, these mean an average of about 13 lines to a page.

The Bahru-t Tawáríkh offers nothing worthy of Extract.