In the most respectable histories, the second king of the Aligh Yoorut, of Chungeez, was Kyook, the son of Ooktaie Khan. It is related that Noora Kusan Khatoon, the mother of Kyook Khan, at the death of Ooktaie Khan, as her son was absent, took charge of the kingdom and troops on his behalf; and when Kyook Khan returned to his father’s capital, a general kooriltaie was assembled, and all the princes of the Boozunjur family attended it except Batwi, the son of Joje, who sent his brethren from Kupchak, but, on pretence of lameness, did not attend himself. The fact was, he was not favourable to the pretensions of Kyook Khan, for this reason—that Ooktaie Khan had bequeathed his sovereignty to his grandson, Shiramoon, the son of Kojwi; but Shiramoon was a child, and the mother of Kyook Noora Kusan, and the other princes, had confederated in Kyook’s favour, in the month of Rubbi-el-Avul, 641 Hejri, Eet eel Toorki, Kyook Khan was placed on the throne.
Kyook Khan, it is said, like his father, was a very liberal prince. He remained for the winter at his capital; but in the spring he marched with an immense army towards Iran, and despatched messengers to Khitaie and the desert of Kupchak, to collect all the princes and their contingent armies. When, however, he arrived at or near Samurkund, death suddenly seized him; and Batwi, the son of Joje, and the other princes who had advanced to join him, returned to their respective governments. Kyook reigned one year.