WHAT you write, regarding the variations of the temperature* in your quarter, is revealed. Our physicians have thoroughly ascertained the proper mode of treating* the diseases in question. The first thing to be done is, to draw off, by bleeding, all the corrupt humours; by which means an effectual improvement will be produced in the general constitution of the patient. The body of the diseased party being thus completely brought under subjection,* the next step must be to expel from it every remaining seed of the distemper, administering, in the meanwhile, whatever medicines may be found necessary. What more?
This curious enigmatical letter is sufficiently intelligible. The unwholesome temperature of Poonah, alludes to the hostile disposition towards the Sultan, which had latterly superseded at that Court the amicable sentiments, formerly entertained for himself and his father by the Mahrattah rulers. By his physicians, the Sultan means his counsellors, or perhaps, the commanders of his army. The disease to be cured is, of course, the enmity of the Mahrattahs; and the mode of cure, that which he had begun to pursue; namely, an active war against them. The remaining allusions are equally obvious; and, indeed, so much so, that it can hardly be imagined that the Sultan proposed to disguise his instructions under this metaphorical cypher, which could not fail to be immediately understood by any person, knowing who the writer, or even the party addressed, was: it is, therefore, most probable, that nothing more was intended by it, than a display of the writer’s ingenuity.