AALUM KHAN, Sultan Behadur’s principal officer, duped by the Moghuls, 6-7
Abdul Rasid, second son of Shyr Khan, 3
Abdar Khaneh (water house), 163
Abhypur, plains of, Humayun encamped in, 29
Abu Beka, Myrza, 4
Abul Fazil referred to, 69 f. note.
Abyssinian force, 9
Adam, Sultan, Prince Kamran takes shelter in the territory of, 151
Advertisement to the Second Part, 81-85
Afghan farmers, custom of pledging wives and children to Hindu money-lenders prevalent among, 165
Afghans of Joanpur, rebellion of, 3
Agra, capital of the Moghul Emperors, 3, 8; palace of, 11
Ahmadabad, 9
Aka (superintendent), 48
Akber (Badraddyn Mahammed), Prince, birth of, 65; circumcision ceremony of, 122
Akber Nameh referred to, 67 f. note.
Ala Kuly, the chief engineer, 5
Aleg Myrza, 9
Alkum Myrza, Governor of Sehwan, 46
Allah Akber, (God is Greatest), war cry, 166
Alur, 27 f. note.
Amerkote, position of, 55 f. note. Humayun arrives at, 62
Amerkote, Rana of, see Pursaud.
Aris, fort of, 111
Aroul, Raja of, 30
Aru, village, 50
Askery, Prince, 8; Sumbal district conferred on, 11; Prince Akber carried to Candahar by, 77
Ayeen Akbery referred to, 20
Aylchy (ambassador), 174
Baber, Emperor, 28; garden of, at Futtypur Sikry, 34
Baber’s Memoirs referred to, 8, 26, 136 f. notes.
Badukhshan, 122; King of, 134
Balkh, 136, 137
Bayazid, the Afghan, rebellion of, 3
Beef, Humayun’s great aversion for, 121
Beg Myrek, government of Chunar vested upon, 14
Behader, Sultan, 4; defeat of, by Humayun, 5; flight of, to Cambay, 6; treaty with the Portuguese made by, 9
Behera, King arrives at, 39
Behyle, King arrives at, 43
Bejke, Myr, 25
Belgram, 9; district of, 10
Benares, Shyr Khan takes possession of, 18
Bengal, 10; Gour, capital of, besieged by Shyr Khan, 11; Khan Khanan Ludy takes the command of, 19
Bengy, river, 131, 134, 143
Beshy, tribe, 143
Bher Kund (Jar-Kund), district of, 15
Bheker (Baker), King arrives at, 42, 45
Bokhara, 159
Bost, fortress of, 113
Buja, Raja of Benares, 15
Bukshu Lenga, a powerful Zeminder, 41, 52
Bulouches, Humayun hospitably received by the, 77-78
Buluchians, 41
Burhanpur, district of, 4
Buxar, battle of, 12 f. note.
Byke Begum, King’s concubine, 19
Byn, the Afghan, rebellion of, 3
Byram Beg (Khan Khanan), 69, 70, 74, 76; Shah Tahmasp’s improper conduct towards, 91
Cæsaria, bazar of, 110
Callinger, 3
Calpy, 26, 27
Cambay, 6
Candahar, Prince Hindal marches towards, 45; district of, 75; Prince Akber taken to, 77; Humayun takes the fort of, 114; Persians take possession of, 115; retaken by Humayun, 117
Canouge, 9; battle of, 30-32
Carmanian horses, 93
Cashmire, 157
Catalogue of Tipoo Sultan’s Library referred to, 9 f. note.
Cazvin, King invited to come at, 88; King royally received at, 91
Chehar der (four gates), route of the, 125
Chekaw, 70.
Chetur, fortress of, 4
China plate, 65; cup, 163
Chobdar (wand bearer), 57
Chowsar, village of, 22; Shyr Khan surprises Humayun at, 25
Chenab river, 162
Chunar, fortress of, Humayun invests the, 3; Humayun takes possession of, 12-161; Shyr Khan besieges the, 18, 21; ceded to Shyr Khan by Humayun, 23
Chuneh, village, 34; Humayun arrives at, 35
Chunpanyr, fortress of, 5; capital of Gujerat, ib.
Colgong, 17, 21
Cossacks, 4, 66
Couch Behar, 10
Cutch, Raja of, 67
Derya Kulzan (the Caspian Sea), 110
Dilder Begum, mother of Prince Hindal, 44
Diwan, council room, 120
Dow’s History of Hindostan referred to, 26, 69 f. notes.
Edinburgh Gazetteer referred to, 12, 15, 39, 41, 52 f. notes.
Eunuchs, 20
Ewer department, 62, 163
Feroz Shah, Emperor, 156
Feryd Gur, Myr, Humayun pursued by, 26
Feryd Sekergunjy, the Saint, 23
Futtypur Kundavy (Gundava), 73
Futtypur Sikry, 34
Fyruzpur, battle of, 165-66
Georgians, 102
Gicker, tribe, 151
Goompty, river, battle of, 3
Gour, capital of Bengal, Shyr Khan besieges, 11; Humayun takes possession of, 17
Gujerat, 4, 5
Gul Baluch, King halted at, 41
Gundwal (Bayah) river, 37
Gurk Aly, 25
Gurm Syr (warm climate), district of, 78 et note.
Hajypur, 22 f. note.
Haram, 18
Hazareh, village, 29
Helcana, 131
Hemyd Banu, Begum, married to Humayun, 44-45
Herut, city of, 86
Hindal, Prince, 9; Humayun forgives, 28; desertion of, 39; displeasure of, for the marriage of Humayun with Hemyd Banu, for whom he cherished the keenest affections, 45, deserts Humayun in consequence and marches toward Candahar, ib. killed, 149; Humayun’s sorrows for, ib.
Hindoo Kush, mountain, 131, 145
History of Bengal (Stewart’s) referred to, 3, 11 f. note.
Humayun, Emperor, defeat of, at Chowsar, 25; escape of, by swimming across the Ganges, 25-26; Shah Tahmasp’s ignoble conduct towards, 95-97; Tahmasp’s attempt on the life of, 102-103; Shah’s reconciliation with, 103-108; departure of, from Persia, 109; death of, 175
Hussyn, the Turkoman sent by Humayun to Shyr Khan, 15
Hussyn Kurchy, seizure of the wealth of, 63
Hussyn Shah, Sultan, 42
Imam Aly, son of Musa, tomb of, 87; King pays a visit to the, 111-12
Imam Hussyn, the martyr, 57
Indus, river, 41 f. note.
Islam Khan Sur (Sultan Selim) 157
Ismael Shah of Persia, 138
Jacob, the Patriarch, 148
Jagyrs, 18
Jallindher, King retreats to, 37; referred to, 162, 171
Jameh (coat), 141
Jam, Raja of, 67
Jarkund, district of (in Behar), 11.
Jat troops of the Rana, 66
Jehangyr Kuly, 16
Jelal Khan, son of Shyr Khan, 33; submission of, 3
Jellalabad, 160
Jellal addyn, the Saint, 52 footnote.
Jengyz Khan, 33 f. note.
Jesselmir, 51; district of, 58; forts of, 59
Joanpur, 3; province of, 9; Prince Hindal takes possession of, 10 besieged by Shyr Khan, 21
Joseph, son of Jacob, 148
Joudpur, 53
Jougy, pond of, 55
Jouher Aftabchy, the AUTHOR of the Memoirs of Humayun, the Ewar-bearer to the Emperor, 51, 73, 65, 74; attends Prince Akber at Candahar, 77; rejoins the King at Herat, ib.; referred to, 87, 90, 114; Prince Kamran placed in charge of, 154 seqq.; promotion of and salutary advices by Humayun to, 164-65; apologises to the reader for the errors and imperfections of his composition, 176-77
Jumna, river, 26 f. note.
Jûn, 64, 66, 67
Jungel, 51
Kabul, contest between Humayun and Prince Kamran for, 120, 124, 126-27, 145, 147
Kamran, Prince, suspected treachery of, 37-38; marches towards Kabul, 39; the person and property of Kelun Beg, the Governor of Behera seized by, 40; Byram Beg sent to, 113; Humayun takes Kabul from, 120; Kabul recovered by, 124; Humayun takes Kabul for the second time, 126-27 but again recovered by, 145; Humayun takes it for the third time, 147; makes his escape and subsequently captured by Humayun, 152; made blind by order of Humayun, 155-56; permitted to proceed to Mecca, 158
Kasim Hussyn, 22
Kasim Kerachy, 27
Keber Beg, 42
Keruty (water bottle), 51, 162 f. note.
Khan Khanan Ludy, command of Bengal vested on 19; Shyr Khan seizes and confines, ib.
Khelyl Shykh sent to Shyr Khan to sue for peace, 23; warns Humayun of Shyr’s treacherous intentions, 24
Khoda bundeh, Sultan Mahammad, founder of the Shiahs in Persia, the dome of, 95
Khorasan, 78; the province of, 86
Khuandzadeh, sister of Emperor Baber, 114
Khuas Khan, 24
Khushab, King retreats at, 40
Khutbeh, 133
Kibleh (Mecca), 140
Kipchak, battle of, 138-40
Kurra, province of, 9
Lahore, King arrives at, 37
Leilet al Kudder, the celebrated horse presented to King by the Governor of Seistan, 79
Lodi, Mahmud, rebellion of, 3
Lyly, the large gun, 5
Machwareh, battle of, 167
Mahammad, Sultan, son of Shah Tahmasp, 86
Maldeo, Raja, 53, 54, 55, 56; hostilities of, 58-59; affairs settled by the son of, 61
Malwa, province of, 5
Manikpur, province of, 5
Marian Mukany, the Queen, 96
Mary, Queen of Scots, 128 f. note.
Mary, Virgin, 44 f. note
Meshed-Sheryf, King invited to proceed to, 86; King arrives at, 87
Moghul Emperors, the practice of giving entertainments to the ladies of the court by the, 44 f. note.
Moghal merchant, story of a, 54
Mohrs, 63
Monaim Beg, 47
Mongier assaulted and burnt by Shyr Khan, 19; King advances to the vicinity of, 21
Mujenun, the large gun, 5
Mundu, fortress of, 5
Muneah, 16, 22
Murad Bagh (garden of desire), 86
Murry, a village, 4
Musek (leathern bag), 26
Muvyd Beg, 21, 22
Nasir, Myrza, 33
Negro force, the, 9
Nilab (the Indus), 151, 152, 158, 160
Nishapur, King arrives at, 88
Nizam addyn Aulia, 26
Ouch, 41, 51, 52; position of, 52 f. note.
Oude, 10
Oxus, river, 172
Oxydracæ, 41 f. note.
Pat, town, 42; King arrives at, 44
Pattala, 42 f. note.
Pawn (pân?) 153
Pelhudy, village, 54
Penj Sheher, 131; (Penj Cherreh), 146
Perbeham, Raja, King receives generous help from, 26, 30
Perhem, fruit-tree, 53
Persepolis, ruins of, 97, 104
Perwaneh (order), 128, 129
Portugueses of Surat, 9
Pursaud, Rana of Amerkote, hospitable conduct of, towards Humayun, 62-63; Shah Hussyn tries to win over, 68; disruption of, with the Moghuls, Pute, 30
Pylpur, village, 54
Pyr Zadeh (reverend), 42
Queen Marian Mukany, 96
Queen of Scots, Mary, 128 f. note.
Raju, King’s porter, treacherous conduct of, 55
Ravy, river, 39
Rayke Begum, widow of the late Emperor, 121
Refra addyn, Syed, 33
Rennell’s (Major) Map referred to, 131 f. note.
Rhotas, fortress of, 11
Royal Sachek (fruit), 108
Rûmy Khan, the engineer, 5, 11; poisoned, 14
Rushen Beg, King’s foster-brother, 47
Russians, 102
Rutay (Runay) village, 72
Samarkand, 159
Sambal, district of, conferred on Prince Askery, 11
Sehwan, district, 42, 45
Seistan, the Persian province position of, 79 f. note; King enters in, 79
Sekunder (Sur Emperor), 165; defeat of, at Sirhind, 67-70; flight of, 171; preparations for another contest made by, ib.; Moghul General surrounds the camp of, 172; Prince Akber and Byram Beg Khan Khanan sent against, 173
Selim (Sur Emperor), son and successor of Shyr Shah, 150
Semum, 74
Shah Hussyn, hostilities of, 68 et seq.; tries to win over the Rana, 68; fresh hostilities of, 69-71; Humayun agreed to the peaceful proposal of, 71; fresh feud of, 73
Shah Mahammad, 26
Shahrukhy (silver coin, worth about 3s. 6d.) 65, 72, 155
Shah Tahmasp, King of Persia, Humayun sends Byram Beg at the palace of, 90; reception of Humayun at the court of, 94; outrageous conduct of, 95-97; hunting excursion of, 98-99; various causes of Humayun’s dissension with, 100-102; the nefarious plan of destroying Humayun abandoned through the intervention of the brother and sister of, 102-103; Humayun again taken into good graces of, 103-108; he bids farewell to, 109
Shamianeh (screen), 141
Shyr Khan, 3; rebellion of, 11; Humayun’s camp surprised by, 24-25
Sikrygurhy, pass of, 16
Silhet, district of, 20 f. note.
Sind, Ameers of, 52 f. note.
Sinde, river, 46, 47, 148
Sirhind, King’s retreat at, 36; district of, 161, 163, 167; concentration of Emperor Sekunder’s vast army at, 167-68; battle of and defeat of Emperor Sekunder at, 169-70
Soane, river, 16, 22
Soliman, Diwan of (prison), 105
Soliman, Throne of (ruins of Persepolis), Humayun pays a visit to, 97-98
Soliman, Myrza, chief of Badukhshan, 80
Stone Palace, 27
Sudna, Raja of, 67
Suferchy (butler), 94
Suja ad Dowla, 22 f. note.
Sunker (fruit-tree), 53
Sutlege, river, 36, 162, 163
Symech, Raja of, 67
Syria, dome of, 110
Systan, King comes in, 112
Tabriz, 107; position of, 109 f. note.
Tatta, 42
Terdy Beg, 7
Terryagurhy, pass of, 16
Tetta Beg, 25
Timur, 33 f. note.
Tukhti Soliman (the ruins of Persepolis) Humayun visits the, 98
Tuman (coin worth about £1), 98, 128
Tupchack horses, 70
Uzbeg, tribe, 76, 102
Yadgar, Prince, 8; wounded by the peasants, 33; Humayun deserted by, 39; intrigues with Shah Hussyn, 49-50; deceived and expelled by Shah Hussyn, 72-73
Yehy, Sufy, Saint, the tomb of, 22
Zahid Beg, Humayun’s courtier, condemned to death, 18-19; flies to Agra, 19
Zahir, Myr, 42
Zeman, Sultan Mahammad, 8; rebellion of, 9
Zer Afshân (scattering gold), garden, 27, 29