On Saturday, the 29th Isfandārmuz, corresponding to
the 4th Muḥarram, I mounted an elephant and went to the
city. From the garden of ‘Abdu-r-Razzāq to the palace
the distance is a kos and 20 anāb. I scattered 1,500 rupees
to the crowd. At the fixed hour I entered the palace. The
bazars had been decorated with cloths after the manner of
the New Year's feast. As at the hunting-time an order had
been given to Khwāja Jahān to prepare in the Maḥall
(Zenanah) a building fit for me to sit in, the said Khwāja
had in the space of three months prepared and brought to
perfection this kind of lofty building, and with folded
hands (in humility) had done exceedingly active work.
Coming off the dust of the road I entered that Paradise-