The ‘Abbásid Caliphs (132—623 A. H. = 750—1226 A. D.).
f102a 281 The rise of the ‘Abbásids; a Memoria Technica of the 36 ‘Abbásid Caliphs by the author.
282 Caliphate of as-Saffáḥ. (132 A. H. = 750 A. D.).
f102b f65b 283 Death of Abú Salama-i-Khallál.
284 Abú Salama’s intrigues against as-Saffáḥ to restore the line of ‘Alí.
f103a 285 The defeat of Marwán II, the last of the Umayyad Caliphs.
286 Abú Salama’s assassination effected by Abú Muslim.
f103b f66a 287 Origin of al-Manṣúr’s distrust of Abú Muslim.
f104a f66b 288 Caliphate of al-Manṣúr; his avarice. (136 A. H. = 754 A. D.).
289 Abú Muslim entrapped and slain.
f104b 290 Death of al-Manṣúr.
291 Caliphate of al-Mahdí; his prodigality. (158 A. H. = 775 A. D.).
292 al-Muqanna‘, the Veiled Prophet of Khúrasán. (Súzaní cited).
f105a * 293 Death of al-Mahdí.
* 294 Caliphate of al-Hádí; ‘Alawí revolts. (169 A. H. = 785 A. D.).
f105a * 295 Loyalty of Yaḥyá b. Khálid, the Barmecide, to Hárúnu ’r-Rashíd.
f105b * 296 A strange coincidence; death of al-Hádí, accession of Hárúnu’r-Rashíd and the birth of his son, the great al-Ma’mún, on the same day.
* 297 Caliphate of Hárúnu’r-Rashíd. (170 A. H. = 786 A. D.)
* 298 ‘Abdu’llah b. Málik al-Khuzá‘í renounces his candidate, and goes on pil­grimage; and the birth of al-Amín and al-Ma’mún.
f106a * 299 The pact between al-Amín and al-Ma’mún.
* 300 Hárún’s provision for his youngest son, Mu’tamin, at the division of the Caliphate.
* 301 First indications of the resentment of the Caliph Hárún against the Bar­mecides, at Yaḥyá’s encroachment upon his privacy.
f106b f67a 302 The romance of Ja‘far, the Barmecide, and ‘Abbása. The suspicion of the Caliph Hárún and the destruction of the Barmecides. (The Kitáb-i-Khal­qu’l-Insán, as the source).
f107a 303 Catastrophe of the Barmecides. (Ta’ríkh-i-Ṭabarí and Maqdisí cited).
f107b f67b 304 The Caliph Hárun’s last journey to Khurásán, and his death.
305 The rising of Ráfi‘ b. Layth in Khúrásán; ‘Alí b. ‘Ísá and Harthama.
f108a f68a 306 Caliphate of al-Amín. (193 A. H. = 809 A. D.).
307 al-Amín’s treachery to his brothers.
f108b f68b 308 War between al-Amín and al-Ma’mún, and the death of al-Amín.
f109a f69a 309 Caliphate of al-Ma’mún. (198 A. H. = 813 A. D.).
310 Ḥasan b. Sahl’s misgovernment in Baghdád.
f109b 311 Murder of Fadhl b. Sahl and Imám ‘Alí b. Músá ar-Ridhá’.
f110a f69b 312 Story of Ṭáhir, the ambidexter: disloyalty and death.
f110b f70a 313 Death of al-Ma’mún.
314 Caliphate of al-Mu‘taṣim. (218 A. H. = 833 A. D.).
315 The rising of Bábak-i-Khurramí and his death at the hands of Afshín. (The Ta’ríkh-i-Maqdisí or the Kitábu’l-Badw, Vol. VI, pp. 114—6 cited),
f111b f70b 316 Liberality of al-Mu‘taṣim; his death.
317 Caliphate of al Wáthiq. (227 A. H. = 842 A. D.).
318 Caliphate of al-Mutawakkil. (232 A. H. = 847 A. D.).
f71a 319 al-Mutawakkil dishonours the Imám al-Ḥusayn’s grave and honours the Prophet’s spear.
f112a 320 al-Mutawakkil’s sons and the partition of the Empire.
321 Murder of al-Mutawakkil by the Turkish Guard.
322 Caliphate of al-Muntaṣir. (247 A. H. = 861 A. D.).
323 Death of al-Muntaṣir.
f112b 324 Caliphate of al-Musta‘ín. (248 A. H. = 862 A. D.).
f71b 325 Deposition of al-Musta‘ín.
326 Caliphate of al-Mu‘tazz (251 A. H. = 866 A. D.); his murder by the Turks.
f113a 327 Caliphate of al-Muhtadí. (255 A. H. = 869 A. D.); also murdered by the Turks.
328 Caliphate of al-Mu‘tamid. (256 A. H. = 870 A. D.).
  The rise of the Ṣaffárids.
f72a 329 Caliphate of al-Mu‘tadhid. (279 A. H. = 892 A. D.).
330 ‘Alí, the Caliph, warns al-Mu‘tadhid in a dream against persecuting his descendants.
f113b f72a 331 Murder of ‘Amr b. Layth the Ṣaffárid.
332 Caliphate of al-Muktafí. (289 A. H. = 902 A. D.).
333 Carmathian revolt.
f114a f72b 334 Caliphate of al-Muqtadir (295 A. H. = 908 A. D.).
335 Muqtadir is deposed and restored: revolt of the Turkish army.
f114b 336 Ibn ’l-Mu‘tazz and the Turkish King-makers.
337 Prediction ot the historian Ṭabarí about the unsettled affairs in the reign of Ibnu’l-Mu‘tazz.
f73a 338 Murder of al-Muqtadir. The quarrel of al-Amín and al-Ma’mún, a similar historical parallel.
339 Caliphate of al-Qáhir. (320 A. H. = 932 A. D.).
340 al-Qáhir’s evil conduct leads to his murder.
f115a 341 Caliphate of ar-Rádhí. (322 A. H. = 934 A. D.).
342 Account of ar-Rádhí’s succession and reign.
343 Caliphate of al-Muttaqí (329 A. H. = 940 A. D.).
f73b 344 Caliphate of al-Mustakfí — Rise of the Buwayhids (333 A. H. = 944 A. D.).
f115b 345 al-Mustakfí blinded and murdered. (The Ta’ríkh-i-Tájí as the source).
f116a 346 Caliphate of al-Muṭí‘. (334 A. H. = 946 A. D.).
f74a 347 Caliphate of at-Ṭá’i‘. (363 A. H. = 974 A. D.).
348 Caliphate of al-Qádir. (381 A. H. = 991 A. D.). (‘Unṣurí’s Memoria Tech­nica of the Sámánids is cited).
349 Rise of the Ghaznawid power.
f116b 350 Caliphate of al-Qá’im — Rise of the Saljúq Power. (422 A. H. = 1031 A. D.).
351 Caliphate of al-Muqtadí. (467 A. H. = 1075 A. D.).
f74b 352 Caliphate of al-Mustaẓhir. (487 A. H. = 1094 A. D.).
f117a 353 Bahrámsháh, the Ghaznawid.
354 Caliphate of al-Mustarshid. (512 A. H. = 1118 A. D.). (Mu‘izzí’s quatrain in praise of Sanjar at the victory over Qaracha cited).
355 al-Mustarshid assassinated by the “Khurram-Dínán”.
356 Caliphate of ar-Ráshid (529 A. H. = 1135 A. D.).
f117b 357 Caliphate of al-Muqtafí. (530 A. H. = 1136 A. D.).
358 Caliphate of al-Mustanjid. (555 A. H. = 1160 A. D.).
359 Caliphate of al-Mustadhí. (566 A. H. = 1170 A. D.).
f75a 360 Caliphate of an-Náṣir. (575 A. H. = 1180 A. D.).
f118a f75b 361 Caliphate of aẓ-Ẓáhir. (622 A. H. = 1225 A. D.).
f118b 362 Caliphate of al-Mustanṣir. (623 A. H. = 1226 A. D.).
      N.B. i. Contemporary accounts. ii. Connection of the Caliphs with the Indian rulers of the author’s time. iii. Iltutmish, the patron of the author, as the vice-regent of the Caliph. The chapter ends with contemporary accounts and a short eulogy upon the Wazír.