To MONSIEUR COSSIGNY; dated 2d YOOSÛFY. (28th December.)

WHAT you wrote, respecting the departure of M. Monneron, on the 12th October, from the port of Pondicherry for the Mauritius, is under­stood. A month has elapsed since the persons appointed by us to proceed to France were dispatched from hence. Accordingly, having reached Bangalore, they afterwards pursued their journey from thence, and will [in due time] arrive [at Pondicherry].

You write recommending, “that we should direct the aforesaid persons “[i. e. the Vakeels] to remain at Selim or Eeloor till the arrival of the “above-mentioned Monsieur.” It is understood. With the blessing of God, the said Monsieur will soon return in safety from the Mauritius. We have, in the mean while, agreeably to your humble suggestion,* sent orders to the aforesaid persons to remain [for the present] at Anûntgeery. They will proceed [to Pondicherry] whenever you shall desire them to do so.

You write, “that a strict friendship subsists between the Hollanders “and the Râjah of the French; and that is is expedient that we, also, “should establish a good understanding and correspondence with that “people.” It is comprehended. Whosoever is united with the French, is, in fact, united with us.

The barometer* which your humble attachment* prompted you to send us has been received. No doubt, you will, also, after getting it prepared [or made up], dispatch to us the .......... of ..........* which you have promised us.

You engage [a great share of] our attention: be [therefore] in all respects easy in your mind.

N.B. A letter, of the same date as the above, directs Mahommed Durwaish, and the other Vakeels, to halt at Anûntgeery, till desired by M. Cossigny to proceed to Pondicherry.

The following passage, though inadvertently inserted in the letter to the Vakeels, appears to belong properly to that addressed to M. Cossigny.

The barometer which [you] sent us in charge of [your] Hurkâreh is in all respects very complete, excepting in the article of the quicksilver, which, owing to its oldness, does not move up and down. It is, there­fore, returned [to you]: and you must send another good one in its stead, that has been made in the present year.